[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

not like a scum-chat slip

I thought it was a slip of what his objective was. I think kyle is new enough to mistake his objective as town, but I find it curious that kyle wants to not die, rather than us find scum. Maybe a bit nitpicky, but I think it makes sense.

/vote Kyle20

What made you change your vote? :thinking:

We are not randing this shit again.

At the very least if the town gets a mislynch it won’t be because we lost a rand.

But do you think Kyle is more likely to be scum or are you doing this just to not let this rand again?

You feel more like you’re defending Kyle than questioning my change in vote.

And I feel like you’re changing your vote so that another scum doesn’t get lynched by random chance

We’ll see when Kyle flips.

We are both very interested in solving your slot, if possible.

If your only reason for the change is avoiding the rand, that’s fine.
I think squid is just probing a little further to see if there’s any other reason for the change.

I asked for an answer, Jake, and right now, you’re throwing shade really hard. I know I said before that I feel like you’re not the type of person to bus, but… suddenly changing your position just because you don’t want a rand to happen again is really jarring, especially since it worked out for us last time

The only reason you are questioning my vote is because it’s not on the person you think is scum.

I’m questioning you because you had your vote on someone who you thought was scum, but then you changed it out of the blue. You even said this:

That’s a really weird way of talking as if you’re not a townie yourself. That’s what really got my alarms ringing

Hell, we voted for the same person even. Why should I sit quietly and watch whatever happens without questioning it?

You shouldn’t. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t have a towncore, lest you are deadly wrong about someone.

Do you think I’m scum getting a mislynch on Kyle, or do you think Kyle flips scum?

So we’re supposed to be suspicious of everyone instead of a few selected people and lessen our focus? I’m voting for Bep because I feel like he’s more likely to flip scum. I’m really not sure about Kyle at the point and I can’t wrap my head over what’s been going on half of the time. You still haven’t answered my question. Do you think Kyle’s more likely to flip scum than Bepwei or did you change your vote so that the lynch wouldn’t be randed again? I’m tired of you dodging my question like a dodgeball competition and I won’t leave you alone until I get an answer

I voted Kyle because I think they flip scum. You aren’t questioning me because you want an answer from me, you’re doing it because you know my answer and you’re going to use it against me.

There you go with the shading again! I’ve been trying to get a simple answer from you, but it’s always “Oh, she’s doing this because she wants a mislynch” or “She already knows who’s who, so she’s going to push people that go against her opinion”. What’s the point of throwing me into this massive stiff frame without room for the other opinion? That right there feels unnatural calling someone scum right away instead of slowly figuring out what the purpose of people’s actions are. It’s just straight up nonsense

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Well do you want me to just shut up and keep my opinion to myself, or do you actually want to advance the fucking gamestate?

I’m stickin’ to Arete no matter what here. I am so postive that Arete is scum