[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Accused Votes Voters
Kyle20 4 ash4fun #3232, Arete #3287, bepwei #3316, JakeThewolfie #3327
bepwei 2 PoisonedSquid #3203, Kyle20 #3320
Arete 1 WazzaAzza #3124
Not Voting 0

This votecount is apparently correct.

Kyle20 has died.

They were Red


Umm… remind me to not do EoD at 3am ever again.


Color = Mafia Goon



So once again…

Kyle20 has died.

They were Mafia Goon


Night 4 starts, it will last 23 hours, 44 minutes.

Wazza has died, they were Vanilla Town.

Day 5 start, it will last 48 hours.

Okay, now this is even more questionable. Why kill Wazza that was in the PoE instead of someone heavily townread?

That’s … a really good question

I’d taken him out of the PoE but still

My best guess is “maybe they were trying to frame me??” but it’s not a very good guess

/vote Bepwei

having re-read Kyle overnight I think this is the best candidate for third Mafia by associatives, both of them were softdefending each other but neither was willing to actually commit to it

You need to remind me on this one, is this majority voting or plaurity voting?

It’s been plurality every other day although technically eevee didn’t say if it was today

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…other than me Wazza was mostly scumreading Bepwei at EoD? which might point to that kill coming from Bepwei over Jake?

Ash not being dead is weird, I was definitely expecting the kill to be one of us and more likely him

I … really doubt I miscleared him but if anyone thinks I might have now is a good time to bring that up

Sort of? I remember Wazza being super suspicious of you to the point where he’d rather vote you than the leading wagons, but that’s about it :confused:

…why would the mafia kill inside the PoE? Even if they were miscleared, they would still… y’know… kill towncore.

I see two possibilities:
One is that they are framing Arete for being Mafia
Two is that Arete is the last mafia, and is leading the towncore into the mislynches that they need to win.

Oh hi!

Uh, day started early I guess…

(Also sorry I missed EoD, glad it worked out though)

Also that’s a pretty interesting NK. Definitely points at least in some small way to arete…but also arete while wazza was tunneling arete, it really didn’t seem like wazza was threatening him, or was likely to garner much support.
So it’s kind of a huge stinking WIFOM-y mess.

Let’s see then, 5 people, 1 scum:


Also, updating VC’s with flips:
(And me&arete as kinda confirmed)

/vote JakeTheWolfie

I want to know why there wasn’t any pushback from Kyle or Marshal on the Rand between Bep and Marshal