[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Marshal can you add me to scum/dead chat please

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Not in sccumchat

I forgot did yall actually think iwas cop and thats why i died?

Like honestly killing anyone-but-ash means no bep mislynch that day.

And then your wazza kill is just ???

Why not kill someone like squid


I did greencheck analysis and urs was the only one on someone you hadn’t played with before

Well maybe if someone didn’t decide that throwing away the chance to get a guaranteed Lylo for the rest of the game.

No screw off.

It was always a jake/???/??? F3 unless I sent it to rand.

If it rands to us we win

If it didn’t y’all could nightkills the obvtown and win

But instead it went to a merc who’s reads were eh and who seemed scummy

Instead of an ash who gamesolved

I feel like that would make the most sense since it was random but i guess no one else did as we had like 3 aretes

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They didnt submit a kill iirc

I didn’t want to say the Aretes were obviously fake but also, they were obviously fake

Yeah the nightkills just basically handed me a loss

So thanks for that


I intentionally greenchecked cross-site to try to make it look less like I was just faking a check on someone I knew but I had in fact played with Ari before

Mist you did really well for the situation you were in


Also can you add me to scum chat please

bold of you to assume I know how

Scroll up to the top, click the plus sign at the bottom of the first post, add Arete

ye I got it

Add me too afterwards

me 2