[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Actually they are all Arete alts

It’s okay, I’ve played with them before, they’re not scary

…Well, some of them are scary if you’re a wolf and they’re villagers.

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Not to brag but I had a perfect scum list last game by d2


But did you get them all killed :eyes:

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Considering we only mislynched d1, id say yeah

You can’t be worse than we others :upside_down_face:
Come and play, if you have fun

Don’t worry the git comes back to you pretty fast

Also FYI to my CD friends: my meta is different on other websites. I wouldn’t judge me based on my play style from CD

Prediction: I will play somewhere in the middle of my CD playstyle and my i42 playstyle and end up getting scumread by both sides for “acting different from normal”


You were in one game :man_facepalming:


The Second hat should be different color

Like what? Green?



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Eevee, I also inned :^)

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I really want to spectate but join at the same time… what should I do??

pull a pkr
