[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

It’s on you.


gun to head name the scumteam right now.

even if you are naming random name, just name 3 people who you think are most likely a maf team

Jake = scummy boi

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That’s actually a pretty smart strat, but I was mainly doing it for the memes lol.

/vote JakeTheWolfie

@bepwei @PoisonedSquid @Kyle20

But, but… Arete is my N0…

ok so explain what changed your veiw of squid

also explain kyle… who is kinda blatant town to me

and bep for that matter who has given me little reason to suspect them

DIdn’t you just say that you thought Squid was town?



Jag satsar två dollar på att Jake lurar Bep för att de röstade för honom

…not the Derps thing again.

They aren’t helping advance the gamestate, and even hindering it by refusing to effectively communicate.

Kyle is random

Bep is omgus

“I bet two dollars that Jake is tricking Bep into voting for him”

Psst squid I’m on mobile I can translate you anymore. It’s hard to keep up with u

What is suspicious about Swedish?

Do you see what Squid is doing now as different from what Marshal was doing earlier?

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