[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Also my question addiction has happened again

(mainly because I’m too lazy to do an ISO on Kyle and Merc rn)

It came from either arete or marshal before the rand, iirc

arete b4 rand, me right as gamestart happened

Kinda disagree with this, Dat dies N1 more often than I do

I dunno. Who started it?

maybe it’s my anti-arete as mafia mindset.

but you are in all of the towncores and have good solving capabilities.

Pretty sure it was Marshal.

Correct me if I’m wrong though.

called actually providing cop cover
ffs everyone.

“seer cover” is also correct.

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I’m not saying “you providing cop cover is wolfy” because that’s dumb

I’m saying that I thought yesterday that you were being wolfy and didn’t push it because you were one of a handful of plausible cops

it’s the classic cop13 strat

reeeeeee jake this is how it’s done in every game

because of it, we now know goalkeeperboss is confirmed townie which is nice

everyone is expected to claim cop in a cop 13 game
so when the real cop dies we know who they checked

I mean
why do you think they killed Dat over me
I’m mislynchable.

Or probably correct answer: you’re scum and they know that you aren’t cop.

I’ll care about being mislynched here in the reverse proportion of how hyped I’m with DMing HotDQ
bc I wanted to replace out yesterday
expect sudden burts of interest and then backing up

I’ve just been looking at your iso merc, and it’s showing hardly any progression.

do you mind giving me a towngame, and possibly a scumgame I could glance at?

Last Merc Town game was mountainous 15er, I’m like 99% sure.

bc I don’t want to be playing and I’m just commenting on what is currently happening in the thread when I look at it when I’m bored
also my lack of progression is typical of when I’m playing on mobile
My recent towngames are Danganronpa FM, Paint Your Mafia and Montainous 15er
My most recent scumgame was Mafia Academy

scumgame is… mafia academy? i beleive

She was town in the Mountainous 15er and scum in Mafia Academy and the JoaT9 game