[VFM] Cursed Images JOAT9 - D5 - Town win!

It’s fucking relevant as you’re trying to claim that you’re cleared by volume when that fucking game disproves your fucking argument.

  1. thats irrelevant
    2 you argued that I have that meta at start

And like I said I think this is a weak read. Reason being because this has been said before by others. Like I get it not everything is an original thought but u havent even tried to like push them. Just get others to vote him

it isnt
I claim youre scum because of you misreprisenting my read wich was bad but it was made that way on purpose

me being clear town was obviously a joke from start but I used it as opportunity to reaction test when I saw

And u proved me wrong didnt ya

lets bring that game you wanted to bring up


Ya won I cant argue further as ya said sorry

yes it is a weak read because its made d1

I’m going to be 100 percent honest, Alice, I think you are reading Hja as scummier than she is because you don’t like her playstyle

to be clear I’m not saying her playstyle is good or productive, but

Dude, now you’re fucking backtracking over that shit.

I did not misrep it as your initial argument effectively boiled down that I was a wolf for trying to mislynch you via PoE by ignoring how you’re cleared by meta, despite that you aren’t cleared by spamposting anymore.

that was obviously a joke

No. Day 1 reads fine and can be strong as shit. That dont mean squat

that read was made as reaction test as I said before

again I already responded to this so many times before

I made it from content I got from him

Then make other reads. Ur so tunneled it’s annoying. I asked you like 2 hours ago to read thread and make reads. U havent.

too tired to

It’s less their playstyle and more their entitlement.

Regardless of Hja’s alignment nobody should be considered lock-town just for posting and then accusing other players of being a wolf for not accepting this bullshit just pissed me off at no end.

I’ll probably take a break before finalizing my reads after re-reading the thread as when I get emotional like this it fucks up my reading capabilities.

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youd be suprised how unsure I am in all my reads currently


Since you think Alice is scum, who do you think her buddy is/could be?