[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

I won’t, I think silv is town

I doubt anyone is interested at the moment, but I’d like to mention that this is the AtE that made me buy town!Leafia.

Kind of realizing I might’ve been wrong about you being a wolf. Sorry about that Min.

leafia is definitely not obvtown, even if she is town
if you actually think silviu is a PR and that he dipped from the thread while he was top wagon at EoD without claiming, then think again.

I’m just letting town do the typical chaotic EOD1 into town lynch

How about you help us kill a mafia instead?

Silviu cannot claim, it is too late in the day

You never get night killed, especially not with nuclear tunneling you

If you think Leafia is scum, vote her and if you dont then vote me

We are not wagoning someone as coinflippy as silviu when he hasn’t had a chance to claim PR

then encourage a CFD if you want chaos, ffs

like if you think silviu is scum tommorow go buck wild from the start

this is not the day for silviu though

/unvote @Nightingale @Arete

Sorry I am just starting to feel awful

I vote pigeon and say lets kill mafia

but you act like I didnt advocate a CFD

The Silviu PR point is actually a pretty good point.

uh he was here like an hour ago, wasn’t he? and he was already being wagoned

I doubt it and even if he is, we’ll get an idea of how things were going EoD1.

anyway he’s not a PR, idk where nuclear got that from

he said in his last post he was sleeping

But he didn’t vote sleep, so he probably lied.


Lets kill silviu, when they flip role we kill mafia Wind tomorrow

win win from my perspective

I don’t see where the push on Silviu is coming from. He seems normal to me