[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

the longer i stay in the thread, the worse and more confusing it gets

Because it gives a chance for third wagon outside of current teo


heā€™s not spewed as town, i said they could be w/w as well

Take a look at Zone if the wagons are V/V (unlikely, but possible); I havenā€™t got a sense of caring from him throughout this EoD.

you said that without fully going back over leafias posts post-flip
we look at spew post flip not pre

7 minutes. time for a surprise CFD!

ā€¦and how exactly is that a good thing?
If anyone other than Marl/Leafia gets exeā€™d, wouldnā€™t D1 just repeat again at D2?

weā€™re already losing this game, arenā€™t we

Then why are you looking at it preflip?

oh i was referring to just from silviuā€™s iso
iā€™m not looking at leafiaā€™s iso till after eod

If leafia dies this is just the freest win of all time
why are you already panicking

If nobody decides a vote, im deciding, and you dont want my decision

You have until 58.

because iā€™m not convinced enough yet

For the record, Iā€™m fine with it randoming between me and Marl.

leafia dies
and itā€™s POSSIBLE silviu is spewed town from leafia

aka another reason silviu doesnā€™t need solved today specifically
itā€™s d1
there is time

It would go into night

Iā€™m not dying here. You are.

Aka, no vote