[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!


I feel like I should have more to say, but I’d just be repeating things I’ve said in the past. Toxicity bad, etc.

I don’t feel great about winning despite thinking I played a decent game.

mountainous desperado is un fun and wolf sided

someone tell me to join it please

We had even selected abilities that could strongman bleed the NK that randed.
My disappointment is immeasurable that it never happened.

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not just memes

insert “hey ciri” joke

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memes but also i think those two would have had a great team dynamic

i mean they already did clearly by their pre-game actions

oh I agree wholeheartedly

it’s fun to watch when people with good synergy rand scum together
it either goes great or horribly and nothing in between

Literally. It’s not like me and Emilia don’t already play games practically 24/7 anyway
The world in which we lose as a team is the world in which Emilia manages to slip my alt and get us killed off of association


Leafia posting her rolecard within 5 minutes was just massive pepega

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Also this game happened I guess

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the leafia experience

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leafia foresaw a loss for her alignment
and decided to rewind time itself

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one cannot deny that games with leafia are Games™️

you may think it’s just pepega
but it’s just ascended skill

I like how this game I rand wolf with min again (After countries) and yet again I end up distancing with them when it wasn’t planned pregame.

how come she ended up actually losing then

town cheated