[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!


Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention this before, but Zoneā€™s musings in scumchat were by far the most amusing thing that happened in this game. Too bad you didnā€™t get to read them in real time.


Zoneā€™s an entertaining scum partner to have around. Heā€™ll even push a claimed PR for you :heart:
And we did the classic distancing with min, one that we first practiced in Countries FM.


Luckily I got him as a scum partner in another game


me wind nd zone r besties

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wind. I meant vul. wind is my bestie tho

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Cani I join

May I be your bestie

ofc silv

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Thank you, you are my bestie too

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I still did a pretty good job willaging


Your willage play is well-respected, much like your forum title says.


Sheā€™s with a Maximă stimă aswell! :hugs:

Endgame Flavor

An excerpt from the official history textbook of the Human Empire, Year Six.

Part 4: The Conclusion of the Gold Rush Mission

Despite the failures of their system, Talion continued to resist the idea of modifying it to support the rights of the accused. However, as the residents began to grow more desperate, they began to reach for increasingly dubious solutions. The most significant among these is the permanent allegation system, which stated that once someone had made a formal accusation in a given day, they could not change or modify their accusation in any way, even if new evidence came to light. By implementing this system, they hoped to limit the ability of humans to speak in their own defense.

However, their attempt at denying fair trials to the humans backfired when one elf, Sanev, formally accused another elf, Farryn. As a result, the human members of the Gold Rush Mission were able to also lodge accusations against Farryn, creating an unbreakable majority in support of Farrynā€™s execution. As a result, the human operatives were easily able to overcome the remaining residents of Talion and recover the gold they needed to support human innovation and research.

In the aftermath of the Gold Rush Mission, the goldbinding technique allowed magic item production in the Human Empire to increase in efficiency and volume by 113 percent. This led directly to the discovery of Circlets of Rejuvenation, which increased the maximum human lifespan by an average of 18.7 years.

Comprehension Questions

  1. How did Talion modify its legal system in light of its failures?

  2. How were the human operatives able to undermine this system?

  3. What was the ultimate result of the Gold Rush Mission?

Discussion Questions

  1. Is the permanent allegation system a good idea? Why or why not?
  2. What virtues were displayed by the human operatives in exploiting flaws in the permanent allegation system?
  3. How does the failure of the permanent allegation system display the importance of adaptability?

The Heroes of the Mission: Myth vs. Fact

There are many myths that circulate about the heroes of the Gold Rush Mission, often defamatory. Several of the more common myths are addressed here.

Myth: The three members of the mission were government spies.

Fact: None of the members of the Gold Rush Mission had previously worked directly for the government. All of them were selected due to skills they had displayed in their normal lines of work. CristĆ³vĆ£o had previously worked as a bodyguard, where he had learned several techniques that allowed him to prevent others from leaving their home to interfere with the operation. Hans-Peter had learned about magical disguises due to his work as an actor, which allowed the humans to pass undetected. Margarid had previously served in the Empireā€™s telepathic relay network, which allowed them to maintain communications with mission leaders at home.

Myth: The Gold Rush Mission was a ā€œwar of conquest.ā€

Fact: The Gold Rush Mission was a peaceful reconnaissance mission provoked by the Province of Alvaā€™s refusal to trade for its natural resources, which were critical to many elements of magic.

Myth: The restrictions introduced by the Province of Alva in response to the Gold Rush Mission were reasonable and proportionate.

Fact: The restrictions imposed by the Province of Alva have still not been lifted, despite several centuries passing between the Gold Rush Mission and the present day. Furthermore, these restrictions are extremely broad (affecting even humans fully in compliance with Alvaā€™s laws) and highly limiting (preventing many ordinary activities).

Myth: The Gold Rush Mission carried out unprovoked murders against Talionā€™s residents.

Fact: Although some residents of Talion did die in the course of the Gold Rush Mission, the human operatives only killed in self-defense. Furthermore, approximately half of the deaths during the course of the Gold Rush Mission were the result of Talionā€™s flawed judicial system, or vigilante violence by residents of Talion against each other.

An excerpt from the most popular history textbook of the Province of Alva, typically used for children between the ages of forty and fifty.

Chapter 4: The Gold Rush

Part 10: The Aftermath

Key Terms: Sanev, Farryn, honor-in-procedure, Curse of Withering, Restoration Charm, Stone Wards

Unfortunately, even Cyranā€™s attempts at implementing the Final Accusation System were insufficient to avoid human manipulation. After Sanev, an alchemist, lodged an accusation against Farryn, a miner, the human invaders ceased to maintain their facade. Due to Alvaā€™s tradition of honor-in-procedure, the residents of Talion did not deviate from the agreed-upon procedure, even though doing so risked their death.

Although the invaders claimed that their stated goal was solely to steal Alvaā€™s gold, after Farrynā€™s death, they did not simply take the gold and leave. Instead, each remaining invader laid a Curse of Withering on one of the remaining residents. They then took advantage of the weakness imposed by these curses in order to steal the gold and flee the city. Although such curses are easily treatable through the use of a Restoration Charm, none of the remaining residents of Talion had training in how to cast them. By the time a trained healer arrived in Talion, all of Talionā€™s remaining residents had perished.

In response to this attack, Alva instituted several sanctions on the Human Empire. Most significantly, Alva barred further exportation of gold and other magical components to the Human Empire. In addition, Alva implemented several new precautions to prevent humans from entering the Province of Alva, such as the Stone Wards, which automatically detect unauthorized crossings of the border between the Human Empire and the Province of Alva.

Practical Connection!

After the Gold Rush Invasion, some scholars suggested that the tradition of honor-in-procedure was causing harm to Alva by preventing flexibility even in situations where it would be unambiguously beneficial. Yet this tradition lies at the core of many of Alvaā€™s institutions. Whenever a merchant honors a verbal contract, or a suspected criminal is temporarily released to their family in advance of a trial, or a Councilor abstains from voting to compensate for an opposing Councilor responding to an emergency, they implicitly invoke the concept of honor-in-procedure. Can you think of ways in which this concept affects your own life?

Try it at home!

The Capital Center holds the Stone of Talionā€™s Memory, a memorial to the fallen of Talion: Ellimie, Naevys, Halaema, Sylmare, Tannatar, Maiele, Kymil, Isylinor, Cyran, Farryn, Sanev, Elisen, and Ciliren. The Stone of Talionā€™s Memory can freely be visited; it is customary for visitors to leave poetic compositions in front of the Stone. Try creating your own poetic composition, then leaving it before the Stone. Then, answer the following questions:
1. What inspired your poetic composition?
2. Describe the experience of visiting the Stone of Talionā€™s Memory. What did you notice?
3. Do you feel a greater connection with the martyrs of Talion after your visit?



since I know both of you asked


You didnā€™t forget!


May I as a human visit this or should I be worried of racism

Okay my role was elf but you get the point

if you can get past the entry screening you will at the very least probably be safe, although some elves might be wary of you

however you will need either a very good reason or a character reference from a trusted elf in order to get past the screening


Eeyup. Blood for the blood gods!