[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

windward is town and if you vote them out once i die i will actually never forgive you for at least 15 minutes after the lynch

Ah ok, gotcha
I just bookmark posts and make note of them in a notes app, so it makes sense you have your own method of keeping track of things

Ooh, tempting.

Wind is townread for me, though might be scum trying to seem useful

What a threat lmao



See you soon. Feel free to bash my arguments, I want to be 50% of the posts

I still think January is town

Heā€™s just going all-in

I would hack into Areteā€™s phone and modkill you

how about instead you play to win and shut the hell up unless you have something you think is useful to add

posting for postingā€™s sake has proven countless times to just be anti-town

Mod-killing me means Iā€™m town, which makes the case against cloned better

/vote wind

donā€™t make me get uncle dragma

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Marl what have you started

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Someone doesnā€™t know what a joke is.

January is posting so much that it annoys me reading the thread. Iā€™d probably be fine killing you back in the day, though I donā€™t care enough to policy vote anymore.

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Okay, I now have a full analysis of your character, pog



You know, it took my this long to realize your pfp was actually likeā€¦ a regular-ish thing and not an abomination of lines and sadness