[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

He does look smart enough for that.

While i am alive iā€™m going to make a constant effort to keep vulgard honest

they are one of the few players i actually respect in this lobby and if i smell them wolfing iā€™m going to call it out

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Anyone else here play POE?

So scared and excited for the release of new league

Sounds hard having fans.

Sounds like something a wolf would do

All I can smell is fartic

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City vaguely towny to me doe

Does anyone have any idea how to read zone here? Idek if I wanna try to

Going to lean scum there

Why are you speculating on PRs

I think maybe I agree on your townreads,still not sure of Vulgard.

Not quite sure I understand what youā€™re saying. Marl wasnā€™t scum in that game.

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Greetings europeans

Available for like 5 mins, any questions

Itā€™s the opposite. Why attract attention to yourself and risk getting caught if mafia?

Like I said in that very post, I never do this, and I wanted to try it out for a change to see if I could get anything AI right away.

Calling that equivalent to openwolfing is, yet again, bad faith.

Okay, that makes more sense now, but calling that a townread is an exaggeration. I was positing a possibility to the thread.

It makes pushing her unproductive.

If she would do anything other than OMGUS if I left her alone for a moment. And she kinda did.

Probably the villageriest part about this whole thing.

I disagree, but that is the classic Principles Of Playing Mafia argument Iā€™m not interested in having.

I didnā€™t even wolfread her. At no point did I say I was wolfreading her. I just questioned her because her approach was odd.


I disliked how many of Leafiaā€™s early reads were preflips and how she immediately went to OMGUS her accusers, but the way she backed off from that without much prompting (if at all) and started reconsidering felt somewhat organic. I also know for a fact that OMGUS and preflips are in her town arsenal as well.

But since she does this as both alignments, Iā€™m left with her thought progression / attitude change as the only potentially AI indicator, and Iā€™m not sure if this makes her town aorn. Gun to head, Iā€™d actually say Leafiaā€™s town this game, but Iā€™m nowhere near as confident on this as I would like to be.

Wind has seemed okay so far.

Marlā€™s more recent posts and approach to me have been better, and his explanation actually does make some sense. And itā€™s a villagery explanation, too.

/vote Nuclear_Rehab @Arete @Nightingale

Whatā€™s the case on nuclear?

Because I can

Maybe I shouldā€™ve said, why are you publicly speculating on PRs?

His lack of interest in the game is concerning, considering that was how he approached the game as W in the last game I played with him. And by that I mean, he posted, but didnā€™t really do anything of note.

Weā€™re over 1200 posts in, and heā€™s been here for a while, so.