[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

Then again, neither should I.

I should go to sleep in a few moments. Any quick questions anybody wants to ask, ask them now.


Oh wow itā€™s 2021-07-16T22:00:00Z already. Time flies

Oh okay.

Ah. I get this point. :+1:

Though, I assume that when you said ā€œ[someone] is guaranteed wolfā€, that it only applies to you, whoā€™s 100% certain that [someone] has TMI?

Otherwise Iā€™d have to argue with you since that logic doesnā€™t apply to me. (In the sense that I donā€™t think 100% certainty of someone having TMI is a thing.)

Iā€™m having a few issues with it too and it weird me out a bit to be honest.

Iā€™m not sure of the mechanics of why they would go for a bus
But I think their posting has generally showed that pigeon attacking leafia was pre-arranged
Even if pigeon individually doesnā€™t believe in bussing, their scummates (leafia most likely) can go ā€œhey everyoneā€™s gonna attack me, so attack me also for free towncredā€

By pre-arranged I mean like a sentence in the wolfchat
for instance, me in the warrior cats game:

this was like the 4th post in wolfchat lol

Cloned, lol

Its mechanically and socially unoptimal for pigeon to bus a team of him/me/leafia

He CANT afford to.

Okay, that makes more sense than what I got from your original post.
I actually have thoughts on bussing in this setup but Iā€™m not going to talk about that rn because I donā€™t want to give wolves any ideas.


This is the first legitimate scumread on pigeon

I added onto my message.

Hey itā€™s a weekend, I can still be awake lol

Thoughts so far:

  • that was one of the shortest RVS phases on FoL that ive ever seen
  • cloned sounds like heā€™s doing the same thing he did in warrior cats and I donā€™t like it
  • Eli is extremely towny imo and I agree with vul and min on that
  • need more time to figure Leafia out but I actually donā€™t think sheā€™s w/w with cloned
  • not sure what to think of pigeon

how would i know why pigeonā€™s doing what theyā€™re doing
all i know is what i see, which i suspect is prearranged bussing

Iā€™m not blindly agreeing with anyone here.

You dont see anything, ur trying to make a world where pigeon is bussing leafia andi can see it

/vote cloned

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Blame me, I like getting straight to the actual game I signed up for.


what did i do in warrior cats that youā€™re seeing here also

One of them claims you are W/W with Leafia though, but it is funny that two of them accuse you after you suspected them.

I am curious though: What are your thoughts on min/pigeon right now?

ā€¦are you missing a ā€œtā€ somewhere