[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

I didn’t ask the question until after you defended him.

idk i stopped reading the game really quickly after the subs started

You have to bold it using ** on both sides and @ them.

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I’m voting here, their posts earlier feel weird to me especially with the alt thing

Which question?

The alt thing gets into angleshooting territory so I’m inclined to just ignore it


Oh, I saw that but I vote quoting the post would be enough to ping them and I know how to bold

/vote January @Arete @Nightingale

anyways im gonna go player overwatch
cya nerds

I have no clue what that means, sorry.

angleshooting is basically out-of-game-information/influence
which is basically metagaming

where’s the issue here, and why is that suddenly making the previously-valid read invalid? :flushed:

It’s using information that technically shouldn’t have been available in the game so it’s unfair

Hm, Eli’s not even bothering to vote me. Probably a tell.

/vote Aelin @Arete

… I might be missing something here, but how is this related to your question right now?

I’d vote clown for just hopping on the bus, but then aelin would take that and call it pushing the new player.

… thanks for the shade.

You’re* welcome.

Why are you voting Aelin? Even if you think both are scum I thought you were more confident in your Eli read

I don’t have a reason not to vote you, and I can easily remove my vote, can I not?