[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

I was locktown and I was communicating, not through mechanics (which was later) but through speech

Did you think I sat on my ass like everyone else is doing right now?

There are 600 posts, 100 of them are me. Is that similar?

obviously not that locktown considering you still died
More important is how you’re doing it. In that game, I… still wouldn’t really saying you’re creating content, but you’re consolidating things are making things better and pushing for content. Here, it’s… basically a circlejerk and “I’m right, listen to me.”

Please stop insulting people.

I died to scum, if thats your point

I’m not going to make a postcount read this early into the day.

Bd and NK are both scum in virt

Yes, I was in that game, I am aware.

It proves I am trying to speak though

What is this point then?

purely a funny jab considering you actually died to call to arms stab from bd and a death immunity bypass from reaper

Why would they both do that if I wasn’t almost 100% town

… therein lies the joke.

By the way, theres about a 70% chance I go overboard today, I just realized. Im not gonna AtE and self vote, because that would give you a reason to kill me and get away with it.

Because I was “playing scummy”. If I do die, I want you to be next.

you’re not even top wagon, why are you going crazy all of the sudden
where are these numbers coming from


Made em up, people trust you more than me, only natural.

Dont make posts like that