this has happened before
any non-fol FM game i sign up for i forget about
average page fan
average discourse enjoyer
this is also a thing
i’m pretty sure i went for most of a day forgetting i was in a game as the last living wolf
the game lasted 3 months so at some point it was not a priority to remember it existed
Invading the middle east for oil is stupid
Invade the US instead
Automatic VCs go a long way
invade the kitchen, it has oil too
Invade yourself
Your body makes oil
Texas tea ripe for the picking
ok i’m sold
do people have oil
Also 451 had PMFM Rebellion so you know it’s good
I remember this one game I forgot I signed up until it was day 3
that was funny
didn’t get subbed either
I wish I had less
what’s PMFM Rebellion
lol what
you actually got away with zeroposting and nobody yeeted you
did you win?
It was a 1 post per day game on MU
and nobody knew me
Tell me your location
I’ll be there in 10 minutes
you lost