[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

it’s small enough to fit in your hand

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@Marluxion talks enough that their mouth might be stretchy enough.

I am not trying to make people feel emotions when I express my own emotions

so I guess “AtE” isnt the most applicable word but it fits enough

I dont go overboard as either alignment, I try to keep things very much in check but I dont let emotions be a town or wolftell for me i’d find it kind of embarassing

I dont insult others or attack them or even flame ppl but if a villager would be annoyed or anxious or stressed in a situation im in as wolf I express that, i dont see anything wrong with it

107 reasons vulgard is a jester :joy_cat:

I found your posts okay outside of all of the slurs against people with more than two vowels in their usernames.

i am not sure i understand

Okay but it is a mcdonalds burger

it’s literally called a fucking McDouble

Did I ask

Read my post again but slowly

you asked me if the mcdouble was from mcdonalds

word order

Yes that wasn’t a question

I’m implying that mcdonalds burgers suck

They do

i know lol

my defining character trait is i can’t read

must be a villager, town can’t read

Its not a defining trait if its shared across all guides+ :thinking: