[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

No matter how many times you want to remind me of my mistakes, you won’t drag me down with you. I have friends and strong support now, I hope you find the same eventually Marl.


Their chicken nuggets taste like fish

Their fries last forever.

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I don’t hate you

Squirrels don’t hate anyone except for dogs and hawks, and you’re neither of those

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Let’s go

The most important person doesn’t hate me

their fries are the one thing that don’t last any time at all

Heat in Sweden and not eternal winter? :eye:

What kind of fish are you eating


How about dinosaurs

Have you ever tried to eat fish and chips in America?

The inside of the fish is what it tastes like

I see no real resemblance in taste, maybe in texture but not taste

Are the chips different though

I’m assuming he means Fish and Fries

Are the American french fries different though

the ! made it sound said with way more anger than I thought

Who calls it fish and fries though
I feel like we’ve had this discussion before


French fries just depend on who makes them, otherwise they’re basically the same

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they’re the same
hard to mess up cut potato and salt in deep fryer

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