[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

I’ve noticed something. The vote counts almost always have me on top, even if I’m not the highest vote count.

I hope this isn’t out of spite.

Marl’s read on me still involves a bunch of preflips.

This is only a “problem” if Leafia’s a wolf. Which she might not be.

It’s conclusion before analysis. It’s what wolves do. Your reasoning is nonsensical, yet you still push me despite having no sensible reason to do so. That isn’t playing by discovery, which means, it’s wolfy.

I was accusing you of not having actual reasons for your push, ones that held up to scrutiny, meaning your push is fabricated and you are mafia. The fact you’re “wrong” leads to “you’re mafia” in this instance because of the specific way in which your push is constructed, that being, again, conclusion before analysis.

  1. Calling min low hanging fruit is, yet again, a preflip. And I wouldn’t even call them low hanging fruit on this playerlist, but that’s beside the point.
  2. It serves no benefit to push a known volatile omgus-ing player in general, not just if I’m a wolf. I’m trying to solve Leafia’s slot, and her flailing and OMGUSing isn’t going to help me do this. By contrast, you’ve approached your read on her slot in a dismissive manner where you don’t even care about solving her, and yet use my approach to her slot as one of your reasons to push me. So, about hypocrisy…

Arete literally always does this, a lot of other people do this, it’s not a reason to wolfread someone and with so many games played you should know better as V. I wanted to try something different for once. Besides, your original accusation was that I was trying to blend in, not that I was allowing other people to blend in. You’re changing your story instead of countering my points with your existing story.

Then tell me, which players did this as their opener? None did. Which means I didn’t give wolves a way to initiate posting. If I’m a wolf doing this, why didn’t my partners take that bait? Once again you’re inventing reasons to push me when there aren’t any. This is a bad-faith push through and through, and you are a wolf. I know I’m not going to convince you, but perhaps I will convince others.

Three people did, and I talked about all their answers, and I encouraged the thread to talk about their answers as well. Either you’re not reading the thread, or you are omitting this on purpose. I’m leaning toward the latter, but technically both are possible.

See, it’s funny you say that and then say the following:

You answered your own question, that is exactly what you’re doing. Making sure I’m not going to get thread influence. Which is actually something I do expect from v!you (and I even said as much at some point), but the specific way in which you’re doing it is bad-faith pushing on no real basis other than wanting to push me. This is a fabricated push.

I’m just saying you’ve done this as a wolf (and it even succeeded), so you could be doing this again. And I’m pretty sure you are.

I want Marl dead today. He’s changing his story at times, spamming preflips to justify pushing me, and his reasoning for his scumread on me has no basis in reality. I’d honestly be more comfortable with his scumread if he straight up said it was pure gut. The way he’s trying to justify it is full of holes, bad faith, and conclusion before analysis instead of playing by discovery. The reason I’m saying it’s conclusion before analysis is the fact he’s coming up with reasoning after the initial push, and said reasoning doesn’t actually match what I’ve done in the thread (which means it’s not playing by discovery).

I don’t think January is mafia, I think the amount of time they spent arguing with Aelin coupled with their general more aggressive approach this game makes them likely town.

Cloned is someone I townleaned early and while I’m not particularly convinced about this, I don’t think I want him dead today.

Leafia is someone I don’t have a strong personal read on, but the way Marl’s treating her tells me she’s just V if Marl flips W. Since I’m confident Marl is a wolf based on how he’s treating this push, I don’t want to touch Leafia today.

And before people say “well, how is this post TMIng Leafia V if he’s saying me defending her is suspicious?” It’s a partner read he mentioned before, and by calling Leafia a wolf only by association with me, he can drop it once I flip V and nobody will fault him for it.

Go Marl before this, I’m pretty sure he’s spewing Leafia V atp. His post that looked like he was calling us partners actually also works if he’s still TMIng her V, as in ‘Vul is defending a suspicious villager so he must have TMI on her alignment,’ that kind of thing. And he has other posts where he straight up assumed she was V to push me, despite not having an independent read on her that would match that.

Pigeon can also be mafia for the sole reason he hasn’t really done anything.

Leafia is just town anyway and I’m not interested in voting her especially considering my highest sr is on her

What’s peoples case onJanuary, I like forgot. Can someone quote it or something?

Idk why everyone is overestimating pigeon tbh lol (no offense man)

January actually seems to be the only one even on cloned like I am so I might actually townread him for mindmeld sakes lul

Still would like some sort of case tho.

To be fair, I feel like Marl is acting strange too.

I’m fine with voting him out.


I dont see it

I’m not seeing a Marl scum world here
You’re gonna have to sell me harder on it

The thing that Marl pointed out about Vul calling him a confbiased villager and then switching to pushing him and calling him a wolf is something I also noticed when Vulgard responded. I’m just a bit surprised nobody else commented on it.

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He isn’t aggressive enough.

Im just fucking annoyed by their existence

Real talk i think they’re town for being this stupid

Very nice of you.

On a three minute break from learning to do cpr

Lets see if i can read vul’s wallpost in time

Gotta go fast

I’m not sure how I can sell anyone on it harder, but sure.

At no point did I call him a confbiased villager. I entertained the possibility of him being V for a moment, but at some point, I changed the read.

Anyway /unvote. Cloned has been pissed at me for a good while, he might be faking, but I don’t he has it in him. @Arete

I did mention once that his push looked like confirmation bias, but that doesn’t mean I thought he was a villager. A wolf’s push can look like confirmation bias, and him grasping at straws past a certain point + bending what actually happened to fit his preestablished conclusion definitely qualified.