[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Signups (15/15)

I actually have already been made ineligible to join for reasons

Also at this point I’m pretty strictly against joining any non-anonymous game with alts

They have literally never improved the experience but have brought it down numerous times

Speaking of alts, I’m still surprised no one guessed my identity as Coconuts

Talking about coconuts tasting bad in the signups thread was fun :slight_smile:


“Wow I’m so shocked nobody figured out the alt playing FM was the guy that has literally never played FM”
- pigeon, probably


I thought I was easy to guess

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i have like, 7 accounts each on ToS and MU
I have no FoL alts

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Keep it that way?


Did I ping the wrong alt


No that was right

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Oh right, that was you. I thought that could have been Night :woozy_face:

On that note plz joy_bomb again

No that was night

Different games

She was purrely in CJN and htb in CBN

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im digging through my files for the acc password

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I was also in both games but not on either of those accounts

Should be in your DMs, unless you changed it

boom bye orange