[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

I assumed it would help

(Didnā€™t do much as eli got wagoned)

plus i think these clears are both super -EV for me as a wolf

especially if im powerwolfing to towncore a suicide bomber

thereā€™s no real consistency in my play when in general iā€™ve been described as a very calculated wolf

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fakeclaiming is fun

donā€™t do it too much or people never believe you literally ever and you get yeeted D1 as the cop in a Cop9er

relevant image

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poor tro

nah she deserved it she claims cop/vig in every turbo

kinda like how i deserved this https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/27909-hi?p=4278785&viewfull=1#post4278785 (read like, 10 posts after that link)

i guess now i wait because i donā€™t think i have much more to say


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hi i dont feel up to play the game right now
leaning towards gorta as wolf now probably

will evaluate again in morning

ml gorta in LyLo go brrrrrr


Votee Votes Count
? ? 0/3
Not Voting Gorta, Min, Nightingale, UwU 4

EoD is 2021-01-11T15:53:00Z


Come. Make a case. Do something

hereā€™s whats going to happen. I am going to sleep and then tomorrow Iā€™ll do my big analysis

Iā€™m sorry for being inactive today, but donā€™t do anything hasty

No one votes until everyone makes reads on everyone alive

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I honestly donā€™t know why marl was so eager to talk about me. Like Marl claims to be able to read me, but this is only the second game we have played together in forever and @Nightingale if you recall I pointed this out.

@Nightingale @UwU @min that was my second post in this game. I get suspicious whenever people who havenā€™t played with me much are so interested with me. Like this reminds me of how Mist tried to clear me for some reason when I wasnā€™t under fire to begin with.

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@min donā€™t be a hero and do anything stupid

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I know I did barely anything, but I will not allow us to see the words ā€œmafia winsā€ when there is just one and we can solve this easily. Gorta out, see yā€™all tomorrow

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not too sure why youā€™re concerned about votes when all 3 of us have made it pretty clear weā€™re not voting yet

regardless, i find you fairly easy to read when you actually make content posts so iā€™m happy to hear you out ā€“ even though i donā€™t think iā€™m wrong here ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

i just dont feel very well today

Itā€™s alright

I hope you get better soon ^^


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