[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

you know how I am with things

that doesnā€™t mean i have to be happy about it and/or not question it :angry:

12 hours remaining until EoD

Reminder that this is MyLo. Votes arenā€™t locked, but execution required.

Iā€™ve said all that I can. Weā€™ll just lose if you vote incorrectly. I suppose there is a chance if Night was to tie it (if you voted me), but itā€™s just in your + nights hands. Iā€™m willing to clear you and night based on I feel like the game would have been called if it was either of you two because there wouldnā€™t be the votes to vote either out

whysper just said votes arent locked

iā€™d like to talk to night before i vote though, hopefully she shows up before i sleep

understandable if she doesnt given she said sheā€™s sick tho

but iā€™d rather not go to a rand if possible, despite it being Gamerā„¢ļø

good point, I thought everything was locked,but I am going to bed. donā€™t screw this up (same applies to @Nightingale) Iā€™ll try to be on before the EoD if this game is still going

im worried that night doesnt show by the time i sleep

thats a funny sentence





actually wait

cut the shitposting with emojis


fuck do i actually have to think about this


the secondhand treatment of derps here is like

somewhat different between min/night and min/marl

gorta isnt entirely wrong in the marl ISO being a bit fluffier?

but its not like, an absurd leap, your ISOs are all somewhat fluffy

god that took way too long to correctly quote

i am currently overthinking the labeling of these two jokes

what have i come to

Iā€™ve interacted with marl more

Of course thereā€™s more fluff

the problem is that half of the things i feel like min does weirdly can be explained by knowing min

im a bit afraid that iā€™m actually right about the above messages and im talking myself out of it similarly to how i treated trochi in hydra g7

but i still think itā€™s gorta




what i meant to say is ā€œmin lock W, just selfvote :joy_cat:ā€

i meant specifically in the posts you isoed night/marl, not in general

the ones i quoted in a fit of telling the forums to stop bullying me

theres a small subsection of me that thinks you resorted more to fluff handling marl because you werenā€™t sure how to interact with them, which would fit a bit with how you treated teammates in the past

at a macro level, youā€™re definitely less aligned with your prior wolfgames than iā€™d expect from you going straight from one into another

also part of me is thinking ā€˜night probably wonā€™t vote you even if i convince myself itā€™s you over gorta so :joy_cat:ā€™

This actually depends on how many scumbuddies I have

how many scumbuddies did you have this game

none because Iā€™m town

i was hoping youā€™d say 5 because itā€™s a tiny bit funnier

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