[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

no town got robbed because trochi got robbed

Town played well, but this was a powerful wolfteam
I had independent townreads on YBW and Gorta, I just didnā€™t have any modicum of confidence necessary to actually wagon UwU at EoD1

i thought this was gonna be a town stomp

but then that wolf team happened and my opinion did a 180

I should have known marl was bomber and went for the 900 iq vig on someone else

Ladies, Gentlemen and those that lieth in betwixt, we hope you enjoyed the show!

Stay tuned for Gay Mafia 7: Ben Shapiro Jester Nightless! Coming soon to a theatre near you!

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Tbh you shouldā€™ve announced the ā€œMandatory lynch in MyLoā€ rule at SoG, because then the optimal play wouldā€™ve been to not shoot the openwolfing suicide bomber.

it was in the op :frowning:

oh wait

i forgot

nobody reads the op

I only read the op for games I sign up for.

Anyway, my apologies.

@Vulgard by the way

you were right, i do feel bad for everyone who signed up for this game


Iā€™ve won but at what cost

gg night you played insanely well and I think town probably(?) wins if you werenā€™t sick d2

Hope you feel better


yeah I thought about it overnight and your optimal move was to vig someone else

This setup is actually quite silly lol

fitting for gay mafia

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mandatory executions :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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also huge apologies to trochi whoā€™s replace out was like 75% my fault

insert joke about wolfplay here

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imagine falling asleep in VC smh

mandatory elims makes this literal 1 specific scenario harder for the vig because shooting ā€œwrongā€ on an outted/hard PoE wolf leads to town losing -1 elimination.


wolves still outplayed town but Iā€™d like to see how a f3 actually plays out.

Did i win


anita bryant wins

gosh please read smh

I think setup would be absurdly townsided if sleeping was allowed

I always lose f3 with night alive imo