[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

Come chat, i want to ping pong

YoubutWorse (2) Nightingale, UwU
Eli (1) Marluxion

Not voting: Min, YoubutWorse, Eli, Derps, Gorta

It is 5 for majority.

Two wagons, Two wagons

/unvote @GGhana @Whysper

anxiety sucks
I probably wont be in thread for at least another hour

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YoubutWorse (1) UwU
Eli (1) Marluxion

Not voting: Min, YoubutWorse, Eli, Derps, Gorta, Nightingale

It is 5 for majority.

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Iā€™ll make sure to play while Iā€™m at work next time

An answer I request

@YoubutWorse @EliThePsycho can you both provide something today

Only getting like 5 hours of sleep last night is kicking my ass, fell asleep while eating lol

Iā€™ll be back tonight

My only hope is we donā€™t somehow lose to a single digit post scumteam tbh

cant commit losenā€™t if we just all single-digit post

Iā€™m probably going to have lunch then try to jump into thread

I never thought Iā€™d complain about the lack of posts in a FoL game, but seriously wtf

I also get gorta vibes from Derps and itā€™s odd

Tempted to just break down every lowposters post word by word but that doesnā€™t sound fun, Iā€™d rather blame them for not posting :joy_cat:

Hi im here

this seems like a valid strategy yes

Iā€™ve never played with W!Gorta before actually
I havenā€™t seen anything from them so far that seemed like being existent at all so like

/vote EliThePsycho @GGhana @Whysper

whered you go
I wanted more memery

more seriously, Iā€™ve always remember them getting MLā€™d for providing awkward-sounding takes and solves, while here they just
arenā€™t providing any

I think theyā€™re conditionally easy to read

This game doesnā€™t fall under said conditional

blast the lowposters: the game: the movie
I do think that min and uwu, and to a lesser extent marl, are genuinely villagery

UwU feels more focused on solving at a natural pace than using the lack of thread noise to push any agenda

Iā€™d believe it, given my experience with other players of the sort

Everything Derps/Gorta has said has been strictly NAI
I legitimately canā€™t take anything specific from Eliā€™s ISO, and I donā€™t want to force a read there

reposting this then probably going to re-read marl

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I still like Marlā€™s opening and the way they transitioned out of pure non-game-related content was 1) obviously not influenced pre-rand and 2) not awkward, and a legitimate take that would occur to V!them at that point of the game thread