[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

I am so supremely confident in my abilities, and so thunderously calm + relaxed, that I will make a single irrelevant post at SOD then peace out for hours on end. I won’t do anything villagery, I won’t make any reads, I’ll make 49 $%#!posts over the next 35 hours, then once EOD rolls around I’ll make an unspecified number of additional $%#!posts. No cogent thought will escape these handsome lips. I will be illogical, haphazard, superfluous, inessential, pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, and gratuitous. The effen theorem will catch me with my pants betwixt my ankles. I’ll vote off-wagon, talk about random nonsense, and make inappropriate japes concerning my relation to wolfchat. I am preemptively declaring any responses to this post “fair enough”. I’ll complain about a lack of WIM, the cause of which is nebuluous, obscure, and entirely insufficient. I will fabricate excuses and pretend I am busy to avoid posting in this thread, when in fact I will be watching cartoons and eating cheeto puffs in my underwear. More specifically, black boxer-briefs. You can’t stop me. You can’t mislynch me. You’re powerless. I laugh in your face. I’m a villager, therefore I can do whatever the $%#! I want. Go cry in wolfchat, you big baby. While you’re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world. My armpits are bone dry. I’m a villager, what are you going to do about it? Nothing; you will do nothing about it, because that’s all you can do. Ligma. What’s ligma? Ligma balls.


Awards, discord dm me



wait the hosts can vote for awards

am i allowed to rig the vote by telling people to vote for katze

i committed fucking DREAM INTEGRITY BREACH


what even happened

oh let me fuckign tell you

katze hacked into trochi’s brain and forced them to sub out

trochi fell asleep in VC
kat said some alignment indicative stuff in VC and apparently trochi dreamed about it


katze hacked into the mainframe

Did you hire an astrophysicist

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i fell asleep in vc last night with kat and geyde
i’m not sure if this next part was me dreaming this or if i’d woken up for a couple minutes and didn’t realize it
ye so is UwU mafia also also kat and is their flavor a catboy or something

if this was all a dream im gonna be really embarrassed but if i did actually hear something game breaking i can’t just keep that to myself and go haha i know a mafia”


i am the ultimate oneiromancer

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i cannot describe my shock when i found out what i dreamed was legitimately AI

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Dat didn’t respond in 5 minutes so i can legally do it without repercussions

Vote for katze i didn’t do anything except explode

katze is shit he let me hack his classcard with my god tier skills

i’m upset tho i was so excited to play the game and actually lead the town and do something for once


but haha dream go brrrrrrrrr

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ill tell them to vote for u to even it out tbh


im sorry!!

i mean i wasnt the one who brought up the topic but i knew better to not answer and instead only answered awkwardly