[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

the wolves will be pat and put in cage

Operation: Domesticate and pet the scumteam

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I thought this wasn’t supposed to start for like two days

Am I just dumb

the gay strikes when you least expect it

i put ransomware on dat’s computer and said i would delete everything on it unless he started gay mafia 2 days early

he complied

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I see

In class will be back later

you’d better
after giving you a pass for so long on jojo’s i’m not letting you live through today without finding you town

Christmas killed my WiM in all games I was in

I promise to somewhat play this game

we take those

absolutely nothing has happened
i will now stream dangantrochi

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power outage gang gang

doing absolutely nothing sounds good enough for me

Derps hasn’t done anything I have considered villagery in their first 4 posts :triumph:

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Should I wait to hard claim pr


Ok s

Anyways how’s life


For scheduling reasons, I’m a bit annoyed this game started early, will make do with that.

Full disclaimer that I am an alt, and I don’t intend on trying very hard to hide who I am. The setup is small enough that denying ease of reading me is disadvantageous. Contrary to popular belief, I am not Trochilidae.

Reading up now.

Who are u

note: not allowed to reveal your alt identity
