[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

Although Trochi’s post makes this vaguely less likely
or to put it another way
ehh slight V lean

I like my take better

the levels of irony
i think i will scream

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I like your take better too

is this a real take and if so can you go a little more in depth

well, from Marl’s point of view it makes sense
since Marl is the one I’ve considered the most likely wolf (~rand) of the three of us
both me and you appear to be actively forwarding the game

tell me what you’ve done to forward the game other than throw like two leans out

be gamer
discuss PRs
do the work necessary in order to throw two leans out


Marl (?)
Everyone else too - null

Marl’s “everyone is villagers” take felt like a natural thought
it’s entirely fakeable but gun-to-head villager because wolves are more likely to stumble their opening

i will be obvtown this game
you cannot resist

the game is 60 posts long
anyone can throw out a haha lean with no effort at all

give me something real
what’s your plan for this game
discuss my own plan not as something to read me by, but for its content and if you agree
do More to make yourself readable

i’m ending the memephase now and i don’t even give a shit
i want this game to be different

Our take is basically the same
I entered and immediately vibed with you but Trochi after that post i’ve got as pretty locked down

If a wolf has posted from my POV it’s you and i’d bet money that you aren’t a wolf rn
not a lot of money but still

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Your plan is basically one of the major shifts in my playstyle that improved my villa game
I think it’s a good idea and I read you villager for it

I agree with this plan and will aggressively provide content until I’m wolfreadn’t or my motivation gets tanked

I think it’s less likely you would try to improve your townplay as a wolf

although I intend to judge you based on your reads rather than that wall, that wall is something I agree with and something that leans you V, but not locks (which is what I’m looking for)

i think i still would actually, after the hellhole that was my hydra games

but thanks that’s definitely what i’m going for here i want to be read for what concrete actions i take to solve this game and less so my vague D1 plans

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it’s hard to box in wolves if wolves aren’t in thread :triumph:

hot take
marl/nightingale are never w/w here, to put it simply they’re not talking like they share a scumchat
i believe these two actually haven’t interacted in awhile and it shows in how y’all treat each other in the first posts of the game

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am biased so will let someone else evaluate this

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In other words
I usually evaluate the person making reads off whether it makes sense in the context of the whole thread from the perspective of a fellow person who is uninformed about their alignments
I can’t do that with reads on me because I am in fact informed about my alignment


yeah this is never w/w
they’re feeling each other out tentatively here, i’d expect w/w to be a lot more seamless. also, they’re actually talking like they have legitimate things to say to each other where i don’t think that would be the case if they had a scumchat

tldr if one ever flips wolf i’m pretty willing to clear the other with the caveat being a shockingly bad performance