[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

How is this scummy? Blindly following the leader is never wise

I am too tired right now, but I would be willing tomorrow

I primarily operate with my gut, but I have been working on casing my reads better lately. I honestly got scum pings from Flameo

Not every read in that list is a TR

I am acting like myself when I say this stuff. You should look at my other games if you donā€™t believe me.

I just do whatever the hell I want and donā€™t give a crap about what people think about said thing at times. I spent the entire game SRing one of the most trusted TRs one time and I was right at the end of the day.

They do have value, but Katze wasnā€™t hard pushing me and unvoted when it was going to a tie. Katze has been wrong in reads before though

My gut says you are scum and then I think you are scum until I see contrary evidence. I have pretty good intuition when it comes to these games and have guessed the entire scum team before

I hard veto this

Working on that part, but I am the type that only really says whatā€™s on my mind anyway

Well, Iā€™ve consulted my Oracle

And he said Lo is never a wolf


/vote Flameo I havenā€™t liked this slot at all. You can bury me for it and if you think I am wrong then donā€™t follow, but I want to see Flameo go

also can we get a votecount?

ā€¦ What read is not a TR there? I literally quoted all of the reads in that readlist that ended up with a conclusion of them being more than likely town. I literally quoted all of them

Iā€™m not going to spend time reading other games. I dislike metareading regardless. How is it scummy for me to have led to this conclusion without knowing your apparent meta?

How is this in relation to the point? How does this make me scum?

Soā€¦ it was still a legit point for me to make. Concession accepted.

Okay, so no caseā€¦ just ā€œgutā€ again.

Hot take on Wazza: should not survive to YeetLo.

It seems like Mole has just been slowly accepting death this whole dayā€¦

There is zero bark or bite.

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Vulgard Flameo, Moleland 2/7
Moleland Vulgard, Leafia, Wiisp, Elephas, Catlover 5/7
Wazza Centuries 1/7
Flameo CallMeIo, SirDerpsAlot, an_gorta_prarai 3/7

@ me for any mistakes or future votes


Wait, I have 3 votes :smiley:


Whatā€™s up?

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Vulgard Moleland 1/7
Moleland Vulgard, Leafia, Wiisp, Elephas, Catlover 5/7
Wazza Centuries 1/7
Flameo CallMeIo, SirDerpsAlot, an_gorta_prarai 3/7

@ me for any mistakes or future votesemphasized text

There are two hours until this day ends. Either you explain it now, or you likely never explain it. Unless you are saying that IRL circumstances are making you short on time. In that case, I hope you are available soon.

I agree with this. However, it doesnā€™t matter. They are not a priority at the moment.
Also, keep JOAT speculation to your classcard. No need to discuss it openly, even if it is something that seems harmless to say.

Why do I feel as if this lack of caring comes from town.

Thatā€™s a lukewarm take. I agree with you.

Also, thread picked up in the past hour.
I amā€¦ so incredibly bad at thread-reads. I should leave them to better players than myself.

Thereā€™s a couple people that shouldnā€™t survive to YeetLo

I was not a town read and Katze has other reads as well, so you should take a look at them all

Then donā€™t, but I am not a damn wolf. I think you are

I am explaining how I play this game

YOU WERE OUT HERE CLAIMING THAT SINCE TWO DEAD TOWNIES VOTED ME THAT I MUST BE A WOLF (Katze wasnā€™t hard pushing me and Ash was in self prez mode)

If you are alive tomorrow I will make a case

I have yet to see this.
I find it off-putting that you suggested and pushed for a CFD at the end of the day yesterday, but you have yet to mention this player today in any of your reads.

Why is Flameo a wagon? What are the reasons presented against that slot!

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I never ended up getting to complete my round of ISOs, they took me longer than expected (the vulgard one took me an hour and a half!), and I was busy for the rest of the day until I fell asleep.

I have been more focusing on ironing out the points that I do have before EoD, I do not think I have the time or the willpower to make another case on such short notice. I could do a mini-ISO, I guess, but I donā€™t know how fruitful it would be.

I donā€™t like how they are handling my slot tbqh. They have spent both days trying to get rid of me and constantly put shade on me. Those are my reasons. It just feels like they are a wolf trying to get rid of me in any way possible. If they live today I case that slot tomorrow

To be quite honest, I donā€™t particularly care for you to do an Isolation-dive on gorta. I have now pointed out that you have not mentioned them, so it does not mean as much as if you did this on your own.

I would rather you have continued your progression on this slot. Your lack of mentioning them at all does not ping me the right way.

Do what you will, I suppose.