[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

When you get back can you tell me the order of actions you choose?

Hush on the Joat talk, we already forced one to come ouft of hiding, we don’t want another one to be revealed

Fuck off, would you?

I’m going to talk about the shit I want to discuss so you can’t tell me not to talk about it.

Wazza look, we really don’t want to force the second Joat to come out of hiding

The second JOAT won’t come out, dumbass. They have no reason to.

Of course they won’t come out, but like us claiming VT probably narrows it for them… you know what nvm. Just drop this.

Ah yes, because JOAT can’t claim VT.

Nevermind, just drop it. This talk is useless

Leafia Progression


Not really sure what to make of this

I guess it makes sense in the Leafia mind?

Like I’m assuming they went from gorta lockscum, Io is against my push must discredit them to

oh Io was right about gorta

they are lock town lets sheep them?

Like I guess that makes sense in a town!Leafia mind.

The only thing that holds me back from thinking this
is this post

Like. They say Io’s push on me was weird yesterday but today they’re just

blindly following it.I don’t really understand the progression here.

Also don’t get the progression on Flameo seeing as they thought they were town earlier?

So @Leafia would like to know how your read on Io and Flameo changed and why

(And you can’t just quote things other people have said I want your actual thought process)


i am back
for literally like
30 minutes or so

not for long
shoots u

wazza no


Anyway, I still don’t like how you did this.

That sounds about right honestly.


The acum ar ed Sulit and Flameo and Flameo is trying desperately to save Sulit from getting yeeted.

*scum are

@Wazza why did you switch off Leafia?