[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

Why would they not want to out their real results

How would I know? For all I know, either Cat or PK could be mistaken on what they did N1.


If you dont know why they would do that

Why is PK still 100% a JOAT

Because they replaced with CatLover who was clearly twin. Duh. For all I know, PK could be a VT just trying to survive baseless accusations by claiming JOAT.


Replacing in for someone doesn’t magically give you a different alignment as the one that you’re replacing in for Sulit.

Preflipping at its finest. If he happens to actually be acum, what makes you so sure I’m not just a villager that was wrong about him?

[quote=“Leafia, post:4161, topic:83078”]

that was cover
i mean im not CatLover
but they literaly said if they’re doing JOAT cover

why would they NOT lie about their actions if they were covering

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What would be town’s benefit in that?

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Because the logic leap for you to defend them here is too high.

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very good question
as i have said,
im not catlover
i filled in for them
but i am not them

Not all of a townie’s actions have to benefit the town. The townie just has to believe that it benefits the town.

I don’t believe Catlover is incompetent enough to lie there. They are clearly skilled enough by the way they post.

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i suspect they’re megabraining it

I’m not going to suddenly start scumreading someone in my towncore just because someone that I’m certain is scum starts spouting out BS reasoning for them to be scum.

It’s not BS reasoning, I caught them in a lie.

this is the one point in time where i’d agree to lynch flameo

There is no possible town motivation to lie there, so it most certainly wouldn’t be “megabraining” it.

Because I caught you in a lie?