[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

i am shocked that he flipped town too

Hmmm, not exactly. Except how you acted at the start of D3. I haven’t been paying much attention to your slot honestly.

You’re being pushed as scum right now. If you’re really town, I want you to show usthat you’re town today to prevent a mislonch

Wisp->Intensify: Was voteparked by a flipped wolf at EoD 1, third voter on a second villager wagon that day. Voted the flipped wolf fairly early day 2. Did not vote anyone day 3.

Io: Was on the flipped wolf wagon at EoD 1. Was on the counterwagon to the flipped wolf at EoD 2. Was on a counterwagon to a flipped villager at EoD 3.

Vulgard: Was on the flipped wolf wagon at EoD 1. Led the wagon on the flipped wolf at EoD 2 while said wolf voteparked on him. Late vote on a flipped villager at EoD 3.

Sulit: Early vote on the flipped V d1, no vote d2, led the misyeet wagon on day 3.

Flameo: Final vote on the flipped V d1, final vote on the flipped W d2, final vote on the flipped V d3. This can’t be deliberate and it makes no sense for it to be deliberate.

Wazza: Voteparked on Io d1, did not vote d2, led the mini-counterwagon on Leafia d3 alongside a flipped villager.

Leafia: Second voter on Io d1, second voter on the flipped wolf d2, second voter on a flipped villager d3.

Centuries: Voteparked on a villager d1, voteparked on an unflipped vanity wagon d2, did not vote d3.

CatLover -> PsychoKing: Second voter on a flipped villager d1 (but not the main wagon), penultimate voter on the flipped wolf d2, third voter on the flipped villager d3.

What this tells me:

Io’s votes are completely inconsistent. I don’t see any concern over votes. Probably just town.

Sulit’s votes look openly bad, to the point that I would expect higher concern over vote placement from a wolf. Leaning town.

Similar deal with Centuries. His votes have not mattered all game, regardless of what the wagons were. So yeah.

Flameo latevoting every single time is probably because of their activity times. Not clearing but kinda weird.

Wazza not bothering to vote anywhere while a wolf was being wagoned day 2 is a mildly good look in my book because a wolf would either want to commit to a bus or try to save him, I think. Could still be a wolf who couldn’t care less.

Wisp/Intensify, Leafia, CatLover/PsychoKing have very… middling votes. Like, nothing really stands out a lot, which is exactly what stands out to me. Nothing to clear them for, nothing overtly wolfy.


I wish we had lynched Sulit yesterday. The biggest reason we didn’t though I think was because I was too stubborn for my own good.

I shouldn’t have to lol, everyone’s pushing me for omg sulit has dropped in WiM!!!

No one has actually looked at my posts

theres nothing to defend against here other than

sulit scum!!!

/vote Leafia
I’m 99.9% sure town!Leafia doesn’t bash the villager she has just helped misyeet if she is town. I personally got cold feet like, 2 minutes before EoD, but I didn’t CFD because 1. some doubt remained and 2. probably wouldn’t have worked.

Also, that post happens to be LAMIST as well, and this time it’s pretty blatant. “It’s your fault you got misyeeted, gorta, I was an obvious villager, I still am, I was justified in the push.”

Get outta here.

I mean fine, I’ll go look at your ISO I guess. Keep in mind tho, I’m not the best at coming up with conclusions

Vote Target Voted By Votes
sulit Leafia 1/5
Leafia Vulgard 1/5

We have 2 wolves left to find and Leafia spends an entire post bashing the villager who has just been misyeeted while also reinforcing herself as Indignant Town Who Was Wrong But Also Right.

Skewed priorities, and I expect better from town!her. Also, gorta’s legacy.

This makes me think “bussers,” and this is also a good reason why these three slots should be re-evaluated.

Still hoping somebody would look at Flameo for me. I’ve already done that, I still think it’s a town slot, but I’m no longer so sure.

Also, she immediately jumps the gun on sulit instead of evaluating literally anything. Come on now.

My take is “it’s so bad it’s probably towny.” Not sure if you agree.

It isn’t going to look good for you when I flip town here. Because take a look at how I was fine with being lynched D3. I have only had one other game where that happened and it was a game where I replaced into a town slot. I absolutely never in a million years give up as scum and you know it. I’m never fine with being lynched as scum. NEVER.

I think Vulgard will look fine either way.

…Why was the only person who didn’t use self-meta while they were being wagoned a wolf?

You’re conveniently ignoring my progression on Sulit here.

there is none, you have no reasoning

I have a tendency to not trust these plans unless they are actually explained, so take it away.

Is this the progression you’re talking about? All I see is that “sulit and flameo lockscum please yeet now.”