[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

That and being curious about something and mentioning that youā€™re curious is NAI and youā€™re trying to make it look like itā€™s scummy.

I dislike the way Leafia behaves as a result of getting townreads. #NotMyTowncore.

Sheā€™s gone into the realm of calling people agenda-pushers and buzzwording people who doubt her villageriness. I think sheā€™s capable of toning it down as town, or should be.

How you donā€™t see what Centuries seems to be trying to do I have no idea given you did the exact same thing as scum in our last game together.

I should note that I strongly dislike her first post of the game.

Wolves very frequently open with a ā€œwowā€ statement like this. This shows fake emotions related to the gamestate. ā€œWow, X happened.ā€ ā€œWow, Y happened.ā€ Itā€™s pretending that you careā€¦ when you donā€™t.

The second part is a seemingly innocent meme, but gives me bad vibes.

Especially since she switches to ā€œserious modeā€ right after, showing that she might not have cared about the meming to begin with. So why post that meme? Blending in, maybe.

I know why everyone hates this post.

Non-content post that possibly serves to blend in further.

ā€¦And why is that wolfy? Are you saying Elephas is openwolfing by agreeing with a list that correctly found them as mafia?

Oh boy, why this.

Canā€™t be TvS? Kinda weird that you are excluding this possibility, if you bothered to list V/V and W/W.

Performative. Surface-level analysis. ā€œCalling someone an openwolfer means youā€™re a wolf, because only wolves would dare to be aggressive like that.ā€

Not sure why you felt pressured to offer takes on literally everyone in the game at a point when not everyone had posted AI stuff.

Meh. I feel like Iā€™m going to tunnel myself into her at this rate, but I donā€™t like her posts as much in hindsight as I liked them initially. Shouldnā€™t towncore this.

What exactly reeks of agenda? Iā€™m starting to feel like you donā€™t know what term actually means

That wasnā€™t a serious vote. I was joking around there.

I feel like this post is TMIng me as town in one of the places I bolded, but I might be wrong.

ā€œYou donā€™t seeā€ ā€“ youā€™re a villager, you should see Centuriesā€™ ā€œagenda.ā€
ā€œYou did the exact same thing as scumā€ ā€“ but youā€™re not scum this game, so this time you should care.

This is probably a forced assessment on my part, but itā€™s a thought I had, so might as well post that.

Also, they could be TvS.

Hi Wisp, by the way.

Hi, I just woke up. Donā€™t know how much Iā€™ll be doing before work, but I only work 4 hours so, Iā€™ll be around later

Plan on reading leaf and Katze after I get home

A very forced assessment on your part. This is exactly what scum want and you conveniently forget where I said that Iā€™m 95% certain that youā€™re town. Just look at my scum games vs. my town games. They also want me to keep this up but since it isnā€™t helping anyone by me doing so, I think Iā€™ll do something that will help and ISO Dulit. I learned from my last game after all that constant defense of yourself can just make you look more scummy.

The way he shaded me being curious of something by saying that it was scummy of me to do so.

I wish you randed town more often so I could pick up on what the hell you do as town. I feel like you donā€™t have significant meta tells.

The only game I can use for this is a game where you did plenty of the same things youā€™ve already done here. I know I shouldnā€™t rely on meta too much, but it would be helpful.

Right now, independently from anything meta-related, I think youā€™ve written multiple questionable posts and your entrance string looks like an attempt to blend in before getting serious. I donā€™t see why you wouldnā€™t get straight to the point if you allegedly dislike RVS and early meming.

I also donā€™t like the way youā€™re using buzzwords and associating two slots together seemingly at random, but I think youā€™re capable of that as town as well, so this matters less.


Iā€™m really thankful we wonā€™t get sidetracked by lolmechanics in this setup, itā€™s a nice breath of fresh air after all the rolemadness Iā€™ve been playing for the past few months or so.

Itā€™s also good that players are making themselves readable. Should definitely help.

Still willing to build a towncore and go from there, hoping that no deepwolves shall infiltrate our association.

Sulitā€™s first post. NAI if you ask me.

My guess is that this wasnā€™t a serious vote.

I have no idea what Sulit was up to at the beginning, but it doesnā€™t feel very wolfy to me. Itā€™s just too relaxed.

Not sure why they voted for me here.

Their first analytical post and it feels naturally villagery.[quote=ā€œsulit, post:97, topic:83078, full:trueā€]
not digging mole or wazza atm

kat cat and flameo all seem fine so far

Io also seems off

She doesnā€™t explain those reads, but at least sheā€™s putting in effort. I like that. Itā€™s a good look for her.[quote=ā€œsulit, post:335, topic:83078, full:trueā€]
Waz doesnā€™t like playin scum

He has more energy as town

He has no energy here

An explanation for her Wazza read that makes sense. Sulit has a lot of one liners and even one worders that Iā€™m not listing though which Iā€™m not sure how to feel about.

I wouldā€™ve preferred her to go more in depth on this, although at least a bit of effort is being made.[quote=ā€œsulit, post:476, topic:83078, full:trueā€]
Your meta is p distinct
As scum you either donā€™t rlly do much and aim to get townread and as town you actually do things

You havenā€™t really done anything and Iā€™m waiting for you to actually post reads

Whyā€™d you even sign up for the game if you didnā€™t plan on playing as a certain role :

This one is a good look for them. Probably the best look for them yet.

I dislike this post a lot. Donā€™t just wait for reads, make your own.

The great fly of 2020. Bzzzzzzz. This post made me giggle a bit so I just had to include it in the ISO.

A good reason for Sulit to celebrate here but doesnā€™t really help.the game any.

Why is Sulit concentrating so much on Wazzaā€™s slot? It just seems weird to me.

All in all, I think that Sulit is most likely town. Their tone feels really relaxed and I like it. Iā€™m about 70% sure that Sulit is town.

This ISO made me giggle too. Dammit, I really want you to be town.

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You got your wish as I am town.

Iā€™ll likely do an ISO of Centuries later too to see if I can figure out whether or not Iā€™m misreading him as scum.