[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

can you point out

what looked good eod

Youā€™re right. If we continue on like this, itā€™ll be a town loss for sure.


Flameo strikes me as someone who tries to figure out what she can understand until she hits a point where they can not, and then wolf-reads it when she no longer can understand it or follows a different path of questioning and discussion once she cannot.

I made a flow-chart that I think expresses this behaviour. I will show a few examples of where this chart began, and ended, on a few posts

Example 1

She does not understand sulitā€™s post, and asks her about it. She seems to be stuck on the ā€œrecieve responseā€ part because she has yet to discuss this post.

Example 2

Here, she does not understand molelandā€™s post and asks a question to clarify.

She recieves a response, and still does not understand, so asks him to clarify, going through the chart again.

She asks again, and is not answered, and therefore votes him because she cannot understand his reasoning.

Example 3

She does not understand Wiispā€™s statement here, and asks them to clarify.

She finds an answer, and goes to the ā€œdiscuss itā€ end of the flow-chart.

Example 4

Another fairly quick one, but Flameo can not seem to understand why town would post this and immediately mafia-reads this one. This is probably the biggest stretch in the rest of this, my chart is not the holy bible of how Flameo works, just a chart that showcases mindset.

I could provide more but I think Iā€™ve adequately shown that this is Flameoā€™s general mindset.

I find this caution and trying to understand the reasoning to be fairly villagery. Itā€™s my preferred playstyle myself and the fact that Flameo has been shown to give people a chance to explain their reasoning and truly understand their mindset before making a call is something that I think is likely town-motivated.

Itā€™s much harder for wolves to push agenda when they give townies adequate time to explain themselves and I do not honestly feel like mafia would take this approach as it would severely cripple the aggressiveness often necessary to formulate and push a fake push on a town-member. If she does have a year of experience as she claims, I donā€™t know if this type of playstyle would be taken by her as wolf as it limits the ability to push villagers, and only does well to help her get town-read, which as we know is not the overall goal of wolves.

My only real hesitation on this slot is that some of the paths on the chart (where she asks a question or a series of questions and ends up somewhere on the flow-chart) end up not being followed up on, and does not end up reaching a spot such as ā€œdiscuss itā€ or ā€œmafia read itā€ and instead falls in limbo on some other area, where she asks a question, gets an answer, but never responds.

You guys can feel free to take a look at any of her posts and see where it ends up on the chart and how she follows through.

Right now I would put this as a villager lean for the mindset and fairly consistent playstyle with a couple of reservations where questions go unanswered.

This made me laugh out loud admittedly.

Because youā€™re being just like how I was in Insurgency, my first game ever on this site and I was scum that game. Youā€™re sheeping me like crazy and just parroting what I say basically. Mostly out of fear of being picketed though like how I was in my second game on the site by Alice.

I donā€™t like this post. This doesnā€™t really say anything except ā€œDonā€™t vote me yetā€.

In my experience, scum feel way more pressure to contribute to a thread as they want to avoid being picked off for being inactive.

This sort of fluff post feels wolfy.

I feel like Catlover/Flameo is W/T

Iā€™d like an explanation please.

You bring up a lot of good points here and you could very well be correct about Mole. Itā€™s definitely a possibility and honestly, Ele has moved up a bit in my reads list lately so I suppose itā€™s possible that heā€™s town, so Iā€™m willing to switch to voting Moleland and seeing where it takes us. Besides, youā€™ve moved into my towncore lately and I trust your judgement.

/vote Moleland @Arete

I posted this before seeing that you had explained it already.

Admittedly the tone of sulitā€™s responses has been 1-to-1 the tone she used as Venus in final 3, so Iā€™m inclined to townread this. Still didnā€™t like it, though, but I think Iā€™m factoring personal reasons into my read. Objectively, sheā€™s definitely townier than Mole is.

Which doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s a townread now, but it does mean I prefer to yeet Mole over her.

Personally I think Catā€™s posts are well thought out when they arent apologizing, idk if thatā€™s some kind of weird gimmick

Vulgard definitely looks a lot better
Iā€™m not sold on Sulit being a wolf, because of past experiences with them

Iā€™ll go back to Mole, the fact that there was no movement around Moles train near EoD spooked me, but he hands down has the worst ISO out of everyone

/vote Mole

Melo just feels like they are open wolfing, probably comes off as a meme, given my stance on Katze earlier, but I really canā€™t understand what they are trying to accomplish, and the advocating votes on themself is NAI towards scummy

I donā€™t see Wazza not caring as townie, any alignment could easily play that tonal card, the only micro reason I have that makes me see them as a possible town, is their vanilla claim, else I got nothing I like from their iso

I donā€™t know whether I should be annoyed youā€™re trying to condense my social deduction game persona in a simple flowchart and list examples then that arenā€™t even really applicable.

[quote=ā€œCatLover, post:1843, topic:83078ā€]

I draw my conclusions and just donā€™t voice them explicitly all the time like ā€¦ This was a really good/bad response, because of this and this, because thatā€™s not natural. Alternatively, I drop an angle of ā€œasking questionsā€, because I donā€™t think it will give me much more insight that way.Like here, I had no idea whatever game anni was like and itā€™d be a waste of resources to try and figure that out. Work smarter, not harder.

[quote=ā€œCatLover, post:1843, topic:83078ā€]

Asking questions frequently isnā€™t that weird of a playstyle in this particular game, because half the players state tons if not all their opinions without a reasonā€¦

[quote=ā€œCatLover, post:1843, topic:83078ā€]

This is not a misunderstanding whatsoever. This is a, ā€œOkay, Mole, whatever, have fun doing ā€œusefulā€ random soul reads. Give me a real readā€. I preferably had one on a different player, since they seemed biased particularly on Leafia.

[quote=ā€œCatLover, post:1843, topic:83078ā€]

No reasoning was provided. Thatā€™s why I voted him (alongside a myriad of other reasons that I think are somewhat useless to go into) Thatā€™s not a misunderstanding on my part.

I understood the statement. I very heavily dislike how youā€™re framing me as a clueless person with this post. I asked a question, because asking questions is a key way to get players to discover facts without being told the facts. Players dislike being told whatā€™s what and will reject that. Alternatively here, I could have found opportunism on Wiispā€™ part on a vote that looks bad if you donā€™t context read it more carefully (my vote) and thus find scum intentionally misreading me. Wisp had a decent response and dropped the point in full later on after I continued to press it. You didnā€™t quote that later interaction here.

I rarely not follow up in points I make or that are addressed to me. The first example in here I liked the post. Scumreading or ā€œdiscussing itā€ is also not necessary if I end up finding something not alignment indicative.

Iā€™m not framing you as clueless. Iā€™m framing you as someone who likes to ask questions when they donā€™t understand something before baselessly accusing.

Iā€™m not trying to attack your skill in any way, I wouldnā€™t do that, you seem like a decent player! I was just saying that your general process of how you handle asking your questions and making conclusions off of them is villagery!

I think you might be misconstruing me saying you do not ā€œunderstandā€ something as you not knowing how to interpret it. What I mean by ā€œunderstandingā€, in this sense, is understanding specifically why someone would do something as a villager!

For example,

[quote=ā€œFlameo, post:1855, topic:83078ā€]

This quote! If there is no reasoning provided, you cannot find the villager motivation behind it and for that reason voted him.

Perhaps I should have used different wording, but when I say ā€œunderstandā€, I mean ā€œunderstand the possible village motivation behind a postā€ or ā€œwhy a villager would post thisā€, not that you do not understand anything at all!

Eh, itā€™s not useful to talk about this more I think, but thank you for your clarification.

Occamā€™s razor.

Also, Vulgard being a wagon has to do with Vulgardā€™s posts being scummy. It does not have to be related.

Oh wow, I am positively surprised to see Occamā€™s razor actually being referenced here.

I have given reasons why Vulgard is being voted. How could you miss these in doing that case on me?

That is not the sole reason, but a nice additional one to be honest.

I made that post before I made the presented case! I town-read him earlier and that still has not wavered, but I suppose I should make a case on him when I am done sorting the slots I am less sure of.

Iā€™m going to do Wazzaā€™s case next but I can add Vulgard to the cases iā€™m doing if he is a slot of such high contention!