[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

Kill me Wazza

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Intensify Vulgard, Centuries, sulit, Wazza 4/4

After the success of the previous day, the cat pirates reconvened, expecting another day of lively discussion. Still, as easy as it felt like it ought to be to catch the remaining dog, with so much information to work with, they could not help but remember that as many dogs as they had slain, they had mistakenly killed an equal number of cats, not to mention the victims of the dogs.

Yet as they arrived, they found the second cat pirate wizard, Wazza, standing triumphantly atop a crystal ball.

“I’ve solved it!” said Wazza. “Last night, I scried on Intensify, and I saw them kill Flameo!”

The rest of the cat pirates converged on Intensify. “Is that true?” asked Vulgard.

“Of course not!” said Intensify. “I would never kill anyone. Me-oof – see, I just meowed, could a dog meow?”

“That wasn’t even a meow,” said Vulgard. “It literally ended in a ‘woof.’”

“That’s not true!” said Leafia. “It ended in an ‘oof,’ not in a ‘woof.’ Maybe they just have a weird accent that makes their meows sound different or something.”

“That’s right!” said Io. “Are you a dog? That seems like the sort of assumption a dog might make.”

Wazza smacked his palm with his forehead. “Are you even listening to me?” he said. “I literally saw Intensify kill Flameo.”

“Maybe you’re both dogs working together!” said Io.

“Even I know that’s ridiculous,” said sulit from her spot next to Centuries. “There are only two dogs left.”

The remaining cat pirates surrounded Intensify. Intensify turned and sprinted for the hatch that led below-deck. Yet as they reached the hatch, they ran straight into sulit and Centuries, who had taken up guard over the hatch. Sulit and Centuries stood together, their cutlasses crossed in an impenetrable barricade.

In front of Intensify was sulit and Centuries. Behind them was the rest of the cats. They were surrounded.

“I surrender!” said Intensify. “Please, just let me live!”

“You killed our friends!” said Centuries. “We’re pirates, we’re not about to show mercy.”

“That’s not the point!” said Intensify. “Yes, maybe I killed a couple people, but that doesn’t mean killing me is the answer. If you do that, you’re no better than I am!”

“Did you miss the part where we’re literally pirates?” said sulit. “We’re not about to let you go just because you ask.”

“No, please!” said Intensify. “I am, um, the Prince! Of Adiart, a different kingdom! My family will offer you a handsome reward for returning me–”

Wazza drove his cutlass through Intensify’s fur, cutting off their last words. “For the captain!” he said. “And – for everyone else.”

And for Flameo, he thought, remembering how he had watched helplessly as the dog pirate had killed his twin sister.

Still, as the moon rose over the water that night, it found the cat pirates dancing as they sang sea shanties and feasted on flounder they had caught. For once, their celebration would extend through the night until sunrise, rather than being cut off early out of fear.


NOW SHUSH! we got lore


Intensify has been executed! They were…

Mafia Goon

You are a Mafia Goon. You share a 24/7 private chat with your fellow members of the Mafia. Each night, the Mafia must kill a player outside your faction.

Reach parity with the town.


The Town has eliminated all members of the Mafia, and won!


endgame in a nutshell
except this time it didn’t work

When you bus yourself to get your teammates miscleared, only for them to replace out and not leave a plan for their replacements

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Damn you Wazza! Because of you, my dream of dogs winning in a FM has ended reeeeeee

My twin brother, boi, you didn’t heal me.

Good job though.

I want Io to return to the thread. ^^




You are all probably wondering who I am

Scumteam probably would’ve won if no replacies happened

So dogs > cats



no literally nobody is



gj town

Was some element of luck with subs perhaps.

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pretty sure this is the fastest one of my posts has ever accumulated likes :^)

They say I am the best mafia player in america, nay, the world!

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