[VFM] JoaT^2 - Dead Chat

Was worth a shot.


Intensify is so dead.
Unless he can push blame to Leafia, it ainā€™t happening

Wazza what are you doinā€™, boi

Arete forgot to post my Wowee ReeEEeeEE


Killing Derps was a bad call. If you had backread the scum chat, we had discounted this option

well then

No way scum win.

And I did so well getting both slots townread.

If you had killed Flameo, weā€™d probably be decently set for winning


it was intensifies idea

I am in scum chat so Iā€™ve been reading along

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Honestly pretty salty that both my team mates replaced out, and especially salty that Wiisp didnā€™t ā€˜Bring you up to speedā€™ before dropping

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Spoilers, much?

Itā€™s p obvious lol

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Fair enough.

I wonder what order leafia would exe people tho :thinking:

ope, gg

(Unless intensify does a gamer Nk)



They were obs wolf

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Why did both wolves replace out btw


marshals taking a break from FM

not sure about wisp tho