[VFM] JoaT^2 - Dead Chat


yeah but i think today hes towncoring at least one of those two

i was getting on wisps trail on D1 and so was WhoeverElephasIsTM on D2

gl town but if town lose i take literally 0 blame since i got killed in a wrong PR hunt on N1 and my reads weren’t awful for D1 reads


So far, Vul has fallen into the trap I wanted him too. Let’s see if he can realise in time


your antispew is good at a glance

but Elephas is right when they say that it’s obvious at a closer look who you’re trying to misclear

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Which is why Vul should die after a mislynch today to stop a reassess

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i dont know if anyone else will catch on given vulgard is fooled and all the other villagers arent people i have massive hopes in to analyze spew like that

Remind me to apologise to leaf if/when she dies lol. She made the mistake of scum reading my opening meme lol.

I don’t know how I missed this opener, truly.
Also, I don’t think you make a meme-read about your wolf-buddy in your first post? That requires some confidence. Not clearing Leafia for this, though.

This entire interaction could be distancing. However, from Leafia’s perspective, their reaction felt genuine? It’s the same feeling I get from when Leafia and I had an “argument” on d2. And I know I’m a villager. So that at least wasn’t W/W.

This post was bullshit and I knew it. Also the conclusion of a scum lean does not add up with the accusation.

This post reminded me that Io was a main proponent for the d1 Mole wagon. And the push looks rather genuine in hindsight? If Mole flipped V I might have called this agenda (as they were also pushing me with the same conviction), but I almost want to say this makes Io a villager?
Does a wolf push their buddy with the same conviction that they push a villager (me) with?

No Io isn’t a wolf.
w!Io does not kill me last night. That’s stupid.

The start of a saga.

Moleland is interacting with Leafia so incredibly much during d1, and I cannot for the life of me figure out if it is T/W or W/W. Why is Leafia so hard to read? I almost hope they aren’t a villager. Their thought-process makes no sense to me.

No u.

Alright now we’re back to the Wiisp talk. This is where I believe the distancing starts. (Its possible Wiisp isn’t a wolf and i’m tunneling this, so I’m going to try to shake the confbias).

Regardless, Mole is voting someone who he believes is scum, but he is not actively asking them questions or interacting with them?
They place a vote and leave it be.
There is no agenda here.

Oh I missed this post. I don’t think it makes sulit a wolf, but it does make me want to take a second look at the player to see if I missed anything else.

Next section of d1 is Mole interacting with Wazza. There’s nothing AI here, but it reminded me that Wazza exists in this game. Honestly, I don’t think a wolf would be as absent as they have been? You need to push for mislynches in a vanilla game like this, with only 1KPN, and Wazza has done close to nothing.

God this post is so bad. Why didn’t I move off of ash. I’m honestly quite frustrated at myself for not. But it might be hindsight bias.

Alright heres the post with reasonings for his reads. The only scumread he has is Wiisp, and yet he isn’t actively pushing for their death.

Once again. “I’m sure that Wisp is scum,” yet isn’t attempting to convince people to vote them. This isn’t agenda.

I think I’m starting to get into confirmation-bias territory…


Okay. So at this point in the day, Mole was top wagon alongside Ash and Io. (Mole 4, Ash 3, Io 3). Instead of self-pressing on Ash or Io, he kept his vote on Wiisp, but never tried to get them killed.

Also it makes me wonder, why was Mole so certain he wouldn’t be dying at the end of the day there, if he never did a self-pres vote? Did other wolves move their votes to make sure he wouldn’t be top wagon?

God I’m going to confirmation-bias myself to death here aren’t I, but I want to check something.

… how did I know

Okay so Io, Vulgard, and ash are all villagers on Mole’s wagon, then there’s Wiisp.
Katze votes ash, and Wiisp follows suit. Mole is no longer the top wagon.

Anyways, next day.

Start of day is a lot of talk about JoaT cover. (I’m really glad I told people to shut up about this, because some people were being very not smart).

Oh my internet just went down. This is fun. I’m having a lot of fun.

Alright. So his only scumread here is Wiisp. Once again he is not pushing agenda and trying to get Wiisp killed.
I don’t think its TMI on Wiisp being a villager. Mole knows he is dead meat soon, whether that be d2 or d3, so why would he not try to push for a mislynch on Wiisp here? He loses nothing.

Hes trying to figure out which me, Flameo, and CatLover is scum. He points out a post made by CatLover and states that he dislikes it, and thinks its W/T with Flameo.
Once again he doesn’t push this.

Mole votes Vulgard, who is apparently towncoring his scumreads, rather than… voting his scumreads? This is the point in the game where I realized Mole was likely just a wolf. This vote was not town-motivated at all.

The players that Vulgard was towncoring were me, catlover, and wiisp.
Yet rather than voting in me, catlover, or wiisp, he voted vulgard.

In hindsight, if I died because of a PR hunt, its likely that Mole thought I was PR yesterday? And didnt think he would get a mislynch on me if I claimed joat?
This explains him not voting me, here. But it doesnt explain him not voting catlover or wiisp.

Very very flimsy reasoning for Wiisp being scum. And once again, not pushing for Wiisp’s lynch.

Immediately following this post, Vulgard said “it actually makes perfect sense for you to push Wisp here as a villager, and yet you’re not doing that. […] Is your push W/W?”

And guess what?

Mole votes Wiisp!

I think I’m ready to lock Wiisp in as a wolf.

Alright, now we’re to the part that I’m almost completely certain is wolf theatrics from CatLover. I pointed this out in my classcard the second I saw it.

Heres proof :wink:

So first of all, I do want to say that this is not the only reason I scumread CatLover. I think it does not come from a town mindset to attempt a CFD on a player, then never mention that player the next day.
If you think gorta was TMI’ing both d1 wagons as T/T… why would you not push that player the next day??

Anyways, I don’t even know how to put this next part into words. And I don’t think I could even put it into words if I were alive currently, but I’m going to paste every post that I think looks very very theatrical. I noticed it while it was happening, and said so in my classcard, but I… didn’t know how to call it out? And I also didn’t want to pre-flip Mole as a wolf and say that Cat/Mole looked like W/W theatrics.

It just…
This entire interaction kinda… came out of nowhere?









Okay I lied. I don’t want to grab the link for every single post in this conversation. But it read as so fake.

CatLover got angry at Moleland for… not answering a question with a simple yes or no, which is ???

Wolves are within CatLover, Wiisp, Leafia.

I’m probably
Very very very wrong

Maybe its better that I’m dead so I don’t tunnel villagers

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so far both of these seem to be true

Should I look at the spoilers?


I might be conf-biasing myself into these reads

I guess I should keep trying to solve as the day continues

I feel rather confident, but usually when I’m confident im wrong


also my sister is a gamer i love her
she won’t see this until post game because she’s not in this chat

also ele i dont know if i told you during the game

but your pfp reminds me of zulrah

if you know what that is

here you go

That looks like a pokemon


i think thats what its called

you look specifically like her mage form

i’d make a magic joke but i’m already taken

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It’s a good job you died even if you were VT.

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I feel torn on my death

Like, part of me is happy that I took the hit for a real JoaT

But I also want to be alive

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Looks like they are going to lynch Gorta :tea:

Why do people go for the most out-there reasonings ever for nightkills???

Its not that complicated

Wolves dont kill players to make other players look bad this early into the game.

They kill possible PRs, or they kill people who are too strong/correct to keep alive. (Which, I dont think I was the latter)

this isnt a spoiler, you can click it Elephas
