[VFM] JoaT^2 - Dead Chat


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Youre joking



Why didn’t I use my voice
Im super frustrated with myself

We thought lo was an actual Joat lol.

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If Flameo describes me as underwhelming one more time, I’m gonna day vig her.

I really wanted me and vul to not die

I was looking forward to solving with him today
I wanted to claim Masons and say that a vote on Vulgard is a vote on me

But im glad i could at least take the place of a JoaT death

Also yes hello this is Chloe
I’m getting tired of talking in character

How long did you know

since your second post

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Trying to hide my soulread on you… ugh

If you didnt die n1 i would have had to have the fakest read on you

Well considering the actual joats are trying to wagon each other today, it’s not looking like the town was better off with them alive lol

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i didnt think i was obvious town at all

i just forced myself to write JOATY posts

my “thoughts” posts were literally just me posting to post i didnt really want to make any of them


I didnt know if Io was a real joat

And it was so hard to not spew myself as VT when i got pushed for mechanics

I wonder if i would have died if Io didnt do that

No. Probably not

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I had you as like

I dont think i scumread you for even a second

But i took your low WiM to mean joat-katze rather than katze-who-doesnt-care-about-the-game

it was mostly this

i didnt expect my WiM to be low this game but then it was

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When did you guys realise I was me?

i looked at a hole and saw a mole

God damn I suck at using alts

I feel like Gorta is going to pay for my sins

I’m upset that a certain player forced me into a situation where i had to act mega-joaty

And they werent even a joat!!!


But eh its not like i woulda done a ton if i were alive today anyways

Live n learn

Take my energy, vul