[VFM] JoaT^2 - Dead Chat

ill hold you to that

Oh btw PK are you new or someone with a new name

i’ve played 3 games
so no i am not an alt
but no im not “new” per say
i know a lot of the workings at least

3 games including this one that is

It’s my first time seeing you so I was curious

he played sfol62 and fol29

hes a cute noob

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wait who’s alt are you again

I’m SirDerpsAlot

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I would say why did I tunnel you then but

It all makes sense now


Town got lucky scum replaced out lol

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I hope town quick lynches Intensify so I can be salty at game end.

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welcome to the depths of despair

@Flameo spoilers have been in the drop downs. If u dont want spoilers dont click em or read moles postings

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You were one occasion of calling me underwhelming from being dayvigged @flameo

this part is so the body will seem clear

Rude af tbh

he speaks the truth

U spoke of spoilers a lot