[VFM] JoaT^2 - Dead Chat

ayaya spoilers

well you spewed CatNotMarshal as a wolf prior but wisp/moleland doesn’t surprise me too much

wazza being a JOAT is actually kind of hilarious because he’s one of 3 people i marked down as “never JOAT”

but it’s also wazza

wisps iso felt really underwhelming and i might have pressured it more had i lived longer or had more will to play but meh

my reads were okay given mole was a weak TL for a stupid reason

ill take it i guess

people are going to assume that i was killing for my reads though when my readlist isn’t super amazing


I’ve come to make an announcement; Shadow The Hedgehog’s a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his hedgehog quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was “This big” and I said that’s disgusting, so I’m making a callout post on my twitter dot com, Shadow the Hedgehog, you’ve got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT’S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO QUILLS, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what? I’m gonna fuck the Earth. THAT’S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I’m not gonna piss on the earth. I’m gonna go higher. I’M PISSING ON THE MOON! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING EARTH NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO.

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y did u make me see that? >:(

how have u not seen that before?

still spoilery

i think if i just pretended that CatLover who was blatantly Marshal was just Marshal i wouldn’t have placed him that high

but i don’t like reading alts based off of who they are on their mains

even if it’s really hard to pretend that Io isn’t Seth, and CatLover isn’t Marshal

like, one was blatantly obvious by typing and the other by name


endgame prediction

someone will post the initiative to improve townplay thread postgame

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I’m not saying ur wrong, but like :eyes:

without a doubt


i feel like if i dived into the other alts’ ISOs i could figure out who they were too

but i don’t think it’s fair to do that

it’s just unfortunate that seths typing style sticks out like a sore thumb and marshal is marshal

bold prediction

one of the other alts is prob chloe and i can figure out which one it is just by looking at how they treated me

ope spoilering

Actually this is kinda the one thing that explains wazza signing up for vanilla game and then complaining about being vanilla.


i wouldnt put it past him tbh

katze blatantly alt hunts for fun

okay i don’t think either of the other two alts are chloe anymore

maybe Elephas but i don’t think they’re Flameo

actually i could totally be misreading catlover and this could just be chloe

but i know i told specifically marshal i’d always look like JOAT in JOAT9 so this is basically confMarshal unless Chloe is a good liar

which she isn’t

okay thats enough alt hunting

alts are neat

people need to be less obvious when they’re alting though

time to forget this game exists until someone else flips


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question for ANerd that is also spoiley


did you think Vulgard wrote any of those “This Is A Villager” posts

cause i felt like he had a few close ones but none stuck out to me as definitive vultown


I think I’d been tunnellng him for his early posts but he had some posts later that were like ‘ok that was written by a villager’

I don’t remember which ones though

also I have TMI


the TMI is fair

i believe in VulCarry though :heart_eyes_cat:

I wanna yell at leafia that literally joat info doesn’t matter 90% of the time until late.

Like track is hot 13% of the time and doesn’t clear on green.
detect is hot 20% of the time and doesn’t even conclude unless the other joat claims
if heal is hot then everybody knows it.

like they’re pretty much named town rn.

JoaTs are really good once two Mafia are dead

until then they are not very good

It’s just mountainous with named town who sometimes do things

give wolves factional arson

this set-up was originally designed for the Mafia Championships

Marson was tossed around as an idea but ultimately rejected due to the lack of information from nightkills making it harder to evaluate player skill in various aspects of the game

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