[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

well if it’s italy then it’s probably a bus anyways and we can throw my isaac thing out the window.

But it could be a mist-like figure who i don’t think was on before jake got wagoned beyond retribution


as in the hopped on the wagon for towncred/didn’t resist it.

calling it a bus would imply im the busser which isn’t really what im going for lmao

I’m legitimately confused

just my opinion

if jake is town then garnering reactions before he dies today (because there’s like a 95% chance he dies today) makes sense

and i don’t like that one in particular if he flips V

I don’t see how that isn’t a shadethrow

do you not see what im saying

Ok well I don’t see how that isn’t a shadethrow and how my reaction to that is bad from either perspective

do you or do you not understand my perspective


then i have no reason to discuss this further

I understand where you are coming from Katze
However it was quite obvious Luxy was just very sure of a townread because no scum ever slips like this, and yet Jake tried to use this to make them look suspicious
So accusing Jake of shadethrowing isn’t a scummy think to do. It was just what anyone should have done

I was actually referring to myself

…You told yourself to stop shadethrowing?

No im the mislynch


As in, I know I am a mislynch and priestess was setting that up if Jake flips town

Oh I see
Nevertheless it would be weird to push someone based on that even if it was a townread

sometimes meirl

im w/ luxy on this jakes comment was weird and luxy’s makes sense.

priestess presented luxy as lynch if jake town

luxy calls taht a myslynch

jake shadthrows luxy for that coment

Well Priestess proposed two lynches off of a town flip, one of which I know is a mislynch (myself) and I didn’t like it.

If Jake somehow flips town, this game needs a serious reeval.

If mist isn’t scum where does that put Isaac in your eyes?
I still feel him pocketing his brother has merit and isn’t all explained by ‘im always like this’