[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Mist1422 Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary 3/6
Italy Tangeld, Marshal 2/6
Luxy Mist1422, Hippolytus 2/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez 4

@katze who’d you like to get lynched today?

Hippolytus tried to push on Luxy today.
And I said I’m gonna push on him too.
I expected some american standoff between Luxy and me. Truth… cant be further away from what happened.

Honestly thought I’d have to spend the entire day arguing with you

Hey nerds so here’s what’s what. I wanted people to push me here to gauge alignments.

Luxy good mist bad IMO.

I knew this whole time that luxy would always tunnel me with jake town off of yesterday’s posts(implying I’m W if jake is v because of wagonomics)

I’m thinking he’s town based off of the kai push(since it wasn’t a counterwagon it was likely started by v) and his progression to push me is natural.

Now for the people thunderdoming us(katze and hippo from my memory)

I can always see a world where this is W setting up 2 ML to win the game.

I’m voting mist today and people who are pushing a luxy/marshal TvS is bad imo

Also despite being like 60% considered a scum I have no votes which again is weird

Because im not confident in killing u yey


I don’t know why I wasn’t killed n1

N2 I was the main jake pusher and easy ML bait

but n1 I guess scum ent for the SPK over the townread one

So you’re saying that katze replaces you in my gamesolve?

Not exactly.

Katze honestly always seems townie just by how they type but I can see a W katze.

Hippo/mist/katze/Italy are PoE imo.

Can someone quote hippos first 12 or so posts for towncred?

I don’t see Jeremy or mercstess Or tan as W here.

i constantly second guess every potential team

but i think there’s 1-2 scum between [Italy/Mist], 1 scum between [Luxy/Marshal] and the third, if not in those 4, would probably be… [Hippo/GonzalezBrotherOfChoice/Maybe Tan]?

[Mist/Italy] probably

understandable mindset but i feel like the fact you’re both alive is absolutely worth drawing attention to


Not hedgey.

The “you always seem town” isn’t a townready part of it. It’s more of a shade honestly and then I say katze w.

So I’m on the SR side of your slot RB

to be honest i missed the word “always” until i posted my reply

so i retract that statement

I made an ISO of hippos enterances in some town games and compared them to a scum game in vanilla mafia. If someone could quote that I would appreciate it.

Because I looked at hippos first 10 posts and they are his scum opener posts

/vote hippolyeetus

Kinda think this should die

I think still Marshal is probably wolf here

My gamesolve just fits so perfectly and no one else fits it as well.

Nuclear suspected Marshal of deepwolfing.

I think we lynch Mist today since he is obv!wolf at this point and then go onto Marshal/Hippo POSSIBLY Italy but threadstate suggested that he was town.

Do not ignore this post if I get nightkilled

Hippo fluffs in the first 10 as town and pushes in the first 10 posts as scum.

His ISO is full of pushes in the beginning

i feel like we should vote out the most likely wolf so we can not be constantly scared of being 1 ML away from MyLo