[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I hope this doesn’t count as wallpost, I hate wallposts

I simply tried to quote the posts which shows Tans read progression, and it feels weird

Awww this is a gem

and directly afterwards:

This feels like a scum who has to put fastly his vote on a scummember before he get lynched, to fake spew him as town

If you suspect Hippo why are you votting Tan

Priestess has no fucking reason to suspect me holy shit.

Why the hell are me and tan buddies

If ur town this is the worst play ive seen in some time. Honest to god.

Literally how tf did anyone arrive at a me and tan team there is 0 logic in that at all and its so dumb and baseless.

Im not even gonna explain why cuz im not wasting words on ppl who cant read.

The stupidity of that random suggestion and the fact tan has got 2 votes as a result has triggered me beyond belief.

I vote Tan and you get tilted?


Stupidly pulling scumteams including me out ur ass with no reasoning behind them and then voting my “partner” will tilt me.

So Tan is a townread of yours?


How is my read progression on Hippo weird?
I sussed Hippo because Hippo was being vocal about Marshal/Luxy being a deepwolf when there wasn’t a good reason to suspect that. I wanted the lynch on them D3, but town went with Mist instead and Mist ended up selfhammering. As you qouted, I stated that a scumflip from Mist made Hippo look scummy, and Mist flipped scum.

I wanted Hippo lynched again D4, and I had my vote on him fairly early, but I pulled it because we had a 3-way tie in the votes. In particular, your assertion that Possessed and Hippo were scumteam led me to put my vote on Possessed, because the last time we had said “Okay, this person probably scum with Hippo” was Mist, who was scum.

And by the way, I was not townreading Possessed D4. I had specifically said on multiple occasions that my PoE was Hippo, Possessed, Italy and Kat.

Is that your current PoE?

As of now, no. Hippo came off my PoE when Possessed flipped town because no one else makes sense for his scum partner; neither Italy nor Kat seem friendly toward him, and I don’t think that scum!Hippo would have been pushing the whole “scum have a deepwolf” theory if scum actually had a deepwolf. My current PoE is you, Italy and Kat. Italy and Kat because one of the two of them basically has to be scum (I don’t think they could both be scum here), and you because you’ve been whiteknighting for both of them (in particular whiteknighting for Italy when people talk about pushing him, which makes me think that Italy is more likely to be your scum partner).

Im voting italy or priestess today no one else.

My readlist is
Dat town
Priestess town
Hippo and Marshal small town
Katze Italy Tan POE. Lynch one of them idc

The only reason I’m not voting Italy right this second is because it puts him at L-1, and I’m against putting a vote at L-1 on principle because hammering is -EV for town in almost every case.