[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I know
I’m making myself to use that I’m known for two things: honor and throwing :joy:

this complacency
is exactly why
scum are leaving you alive

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I think it’s my endearing personality

your ego isn’t winning any games
sorry buddy

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what if marshal is the wolf, who let me go on purpose cause they knew i’d locktown them and vote with them in final 3 :eyes:

Someone who doesnt know the people here too well. Hippo kill makes no sense.

this is marshals revenge for FoL24 where he locktowned me as scum

ive figured out your game

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I win scumgames through the sheer power of ego.

Towngames scum are too intimidated to kill me

be happy with either your loss or the fact that this was only a victory because Chem and Italy didn’t even try to play scum

Honestly feels kinda like salt

Actually wait I reconsidered.

Merc is locktown

I was only going to write “your loss” but I stopped to think that there is a 50% chance of correctly lynching tomorrow
so I had to made sure to cover that too


I wanted merc to say “really?”

And then i’d say “no lul”


Apologies for going radio silent for a bit, I got dragged away from my computer. I present to you what I was working on; Tangeld’s Collection of Priestess’ Whiteknights on Italy.

Now, the first few remarks from Priestess about townreading Italy were fairly innocuous, no one was really pushing on him that hard yet. But then I noticed this from D2;

Now that alone seems to disprove what I’m trying to say; Priestess set Italy up to be scum D2. Except Priestess never follows up on either of these reads. Granted, others had townread Luxy, but to drop Italy as well seems like a strange turnaround.

The wagon in question here was Mist, which makes sense seeing how slanky Mist was being… except Italy hadn’t been much better up until this point, so I’m not sure why Priestess describes this as “better than the Italy wagon”. For context, the votes on Italy at this time were myself and Marshal.

This one comes in response to Isaac’s slot saying that Italy is scummy because of low post count. Also worth noting that Priestess pings Italy in the message right before this, almost as if to prompt him for activity and deflect Isaac’s accusation.

This was D3 after the vote became a question of Hippo or Mist. Given that Italy’s no longer really on the block, I can’t fathom why Priestess again references Italy specifically.

D4, in response to Italy again being looked at for AI behavior. At no point so far has anyone been terribly tunneled on an Italy mislynch, and the person she’s specifically referencing here (Mist) hadn’t voted Italy at any point. I fail to see what she’s referencing with this post.

This was D4, when Hippo asked for an ISO on Italy. Htm replies that Italy’s ISO is mainly memes/fluff with little contribution, Hippo adds in that Italy’s clearly been paying attention because they explained replacements to him, and Priestess jumps in to say that ISOing Italy to compile a read on him is a waste of time. She doesn’t go on to elaborate, which is a worrying trend I notice.

She’s not wrong here, Italy slanked hard in NFoL 4, and was starting scum. But why does she not seem to take this into account any other time and instead whiteknight for Italy, who is very likely to be scum at this point?

These two jump out to me. Priestess basically says that if Italy is scum, then she’s partnered with him. And she pushes the theory that Italy is town because no one’s objecting to his lynch… but by doing so, she’s objecting to his lynch. I’m actually not a fan of that claim in general because it self-defeats, but here is a prime example of that.

This… sigh this is just giving Italy a reason not to contribute, which is -EV from a town player because offering scum a pass on slanking like this just makes it harder to read them.

And I hate to do this, but there’s a second post incoming because I noticed something.

tan why are you scum discuss

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I know Priestess whiteknighted Italy
but why is it even relevant

It Def is.


Honestly Kat is the only person here I can talk to instead of talking to their ego.
So I’m only replying to them.

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