[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

or when im doing and extended reactiontest and want to track my thoughts because i can’t in the main thread(as that reveals it as a reactiontest)

This whole game is just about Marshal being right or wrong.
Why tf should your reads be correct

s c i e n c e

The problem with that earlier read is that the read was made when I was scumreading Priestess. It was also before I had done my nightkill analysis. Given that scum was trying to make Italy look townie, it opens up two extra possibilities outside of an attempted bus:

  1. Scum!Kat was in game chat trying to prompt Italy to be more active so as to feed the idea that Italy was passive town being set up by scum (which honestly, would probably have worked on me had Italy actually done it; I said then that Italy can slank as town, but if he does then he’s more active by now).
  2. Scum!Kat was banking on town spotting that Italy was being set up to look scummy by way of the nightkills landing on people who townread him, and that the person pushing on him would look scummy. Thus, Kat would be hanged, flip scum, and Italy looks amazing because town sees scum trying to get a ML on Italy.
    The second feels less likely than the first, but both detract from the absolutist mentality of “Italy and Kat cannot be scummates” that I had previously adpoted, and thus the idea loses ground.

Priestess please stop trying to get us lynched

why the hell wouldn’t i do this in scumchat?

you overestimate me

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Marshal, if you say “science” one more time, so help me I will tack on a caveat to this game that if Priestess gets hanged here and flips town, you have to send me a picture of your jaw dropped in shock.

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Because if you do it in game chat, it looks more organic.

No?? Ok Tan you overthink this

ok fine i won’t say science anymore.

but i need trust. i need faith.

Im not the best player but i know for a fact that i lynch preistess and then lynch kat if it’s the case and the game is wonnnnnnnnnn for town.

I need faith that i know what i’m doing.

let towngod marshal eat his cake

In b4 Marshal is last scum that is towncored by everyone

Mama Law, you made me think of a meme. One second.

If anyone here seriously believes in you, Im gonna shake my head
Your reads are not better than the reads from us mortal beings

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do you really think i care that much about my appearance?

have you seen half of my posts?

if preistess is lynched and town does not win the game i will write any amounts of sonnets for anyone in a marshal apology thread

Idk why Marshal hates me
But apparently he does?
I cant imagine good reasons to do that shit

it’s not a personal thing preistess.

i don’t know you that well as a person but i have no reason to dislike you

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