[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

If you want to bring this argument into evidence, first show us that your method works. Show us that it can read someone else correctly.

iā€™ve literally shown based on objective facts that Jake has been calling less people wolves this game directly than normal
come on priestess

I will consider the possibility of your argument being valid. Not more and not less.
Donā€™t try to argue AtE to me smh

Jake appears at first to be in his village meta, but Iā€™ve shown that meta is compromised by the fact his tone is different, less focused on calling people wolves and features more of calling people NAI, pointed out that his tone is generally inconsistent.

My case is that if Jake is a villager, it dosenā€™t explain all the irregularities that have been appearing in his posts.

Priestess, why are you calling me LHF in the one game where I donā€™t appear to be one? Iā€™m ignorant, not an idiot. Please take your white ass armor off.

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Itā€™s obvious, isnā€™t it? I love you.

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So did Ceasarā€™s friends, until they did some backstabbimg

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but please, Jake, for science: do you remember reading any posts from Chemist about LAMIST?

Not saying that I wonā€™t try to lynch you, lad. :upside_down_face:
But I want to get most information out of it as I can, and I want to do it for good reasons, not for this bs.

so it turns out that this forum is really annoying and wonā€™t let you copypaste more than one page of info consistently, so all my data is partly compromised

Yes, I do.
Yes, it is entirely possible that I was wrong.
It is also possible that they are not a newbie, but who does not know what a FoS is.

tell me jake
why would you read a post where somebody confidently uses the term LAMIST and think theyā€™re a newbie?

Yeah, this forum is like that.

iā€™ll recapture the data
but iā€™m still pretty sure that iā€™m going to find some other difference in keywords

Because I, like you, am not perfect.

jake, youā€™re not a complete idiot. i can prove it:


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Can you please give your maschine my data and scumread me in one of my previous games, or Iā€™ll def not think that your maschine is even working in any bit.

iā€™d need 3 games: one village game, one wolf game, and one game of either allignment. preferably they should all be FoL games. tell me one of them is a village game, one of them is a wolf game, and one of them could be either

iā€™ll show that analysing the tone on a full level may not be automatic but itā€™s close

ā€œJake must be smart! Theyā€™re at a college grad level!ā€
Smart != Expert. If that were the case, I would always be townread as town and never be mislynched.

i donā€™t see how somebody could think that chemist is a newbie who dosenā€™t know what an FoS is naturally, but honestly iā€™m probably not the best person to ask on this