[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

i think he heard me

I can see a world in which scum!Nuclear swaps vote onto scum!Jake to force RNG at EoD because either Kai goes down anyway, but you jumped off that wagon and you can claim that to pull suspicion off of yourself, or Jake goes down and you look like the townie who saved the vote because ā€œWhy would scum do that?ā€

That being said, Italy is making the same case and this worries me because if heā€™s the scum in [Italy/Jake] then Iā€™m playing into scumā€™s hands.

Luxy would like to point out that Italy is not actually solving and is just throwing suspicion.

I legit remember no reads from italy whatsoever

Okay so letā€™s take a look at who I am fairly sure is town. Out of the following 13, I will bold my town.


So letā€™s say my poe is at Hippo/Mist/Italy/Sulit/Katze/Jake/Tangled.

In my following post I will say why this POE leaves me to believe Jake is town based in my world

Or heā€™s playing his own weird form of WiFoM to make me doubt my logic. This is why I want him dead, you see. Everything Italy does makes me less sure, and his flip ends that while also giving me knowledge of his alignment to read his interactions.

you know, about a minute ago, i coughed up something that definitely did not start up anywhere in my mouth, and that convinces me i should probably go back to sleep

Honestly lynching Jake is the correct play here to solve day 1 wagons I donā€™t really want to swap to anyone else and I need to sleep

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Sulit, Italy, Marshal, Katze 4/7
Luxy Hippolytus 1/7
Italy Tangeld, JakeTheWolfie 2/7
Isaac_Gonzalez Nuclear_Rehab 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary 5

ISOd Italy, youā€™re right about no reads whatsoever. Iā€™m basically convinced that Italy is scum at this point. Problem is, this gives two worlds.
Nuclear is town and Italyā€™s flailing to try and push suspicion onto them, bandwagoning on what I said. This spews Nuclear as town if Italy is scum.
Nuclear and Italy are both scum and Italyā€™s hopping onto what he thinks is a push on Nuclear so as to try and WiFoM town into not pushing Nuclear. The thing about this one is that it necessitates Jake being the third scum.

tl:dr Jake and Nuclear are on the same team FMPoV, and a lynch on Jake here will tell us what Nuclearā€™s playing for.

I townread Nuclear tho

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Hippo/Mist/Italy/Sulit/Katze/Jake/Tangled Taking a look at my POE given the vote day one.

Jake is tied with Kai. If he is mafia, himself and his 2 partners would like to save him if possible. Then let us take my POE and see where they are voting.

Hippo on Luxy, off the main counter wagon to Jake.

Mist on Luxy, off the main counter wagon.

Sulit off maincounter wagon.

Italy, does vote on the counter wagon.

Katze, does vote on the counter wagon.

Tangled, his slot no votes.

So I take a look at this and my conclusion would be that very few of my POE reads are even caring about whether Jake or Kai gets lynched. Only Italy/Katze are choosing a side there, and that would be the possible world where Jake/ITaly/Katze are the mafia. Though I liked how Jake was talking to Katze earlier, and I donā€™t see them being partners.

When you also take into accord the low activity at EOD, wolves probably had no threat of death EOD1.

Conclusion being Jake is town, and I have mafia inside the rest of my POE.

Where does that put Italy for you?

ok so jake is town from your PoV

why does scum not hop on the jake wagon when it was the prevailing wagon and had 3 votes which i know for a fact all come from town

Mist still really done nothing of value iirc

Just random replies to posts a couple of reads

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I donā€™t know. He hasnā€™t been towny like I played with him last game is my conclusion.

Jake being town to me wouldnā€™t effect my read on Italy all that much.

Well the obvious answer is youā€™re the wolf

This is the biggest thing for me I donā€™t think youā€™re a wolf so I think Jake has to be scum

With his behaviour today it seems very much like anti-spew mode and shadethrowing which also suggests scum

theyā€™ll never expect a Jake/Katze/Nuclear scumteam

The more and more people jump on a wagon, the more town are scared that it is a mislynch. Wolves jumping on a town isnā€™t very productive most of the time.

We can kill Jake if the town need his flip to solve the game, but I think I know how the game is going currently.

Iā€™m going to sleep I donā€™t think jake needs anymore votes to be lynched and maybe something will happen so Iā€™m going to abstain.

For purposes of vca my vote is on Jake
