[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

/vote Jake
Not have read anything, just wanted to place my vote before EoD

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Sulit, Italy, Marshal, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary 5/7
Luxy Hippolytus 1/7
Italy Tangeld, JakeTheWolfie 2/7
Isaac_Gonzalez Nuclear_Rehab 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez 4

@tangeld What you describe is outright cheating of the hosts. I already asked if rand means 50/50 and they said yes.

1 Like

why are all of the americans asleep

smh whay nerds


excuse me
whatā€™d you just say
just now

JakeTheWolfie was lynched. He wasā€¦

Beenkeragh, Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night 2 begins and will end in 12 hours.

Nuclear has died in the night. He was:

Kanjiroba, Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia

Day 3 begins and will end in 36 hours. With 11 alive, majority is 6.

(I did this on mobile lmk if I fucked something up)

why would nuclear get nightkilled

marshals been giving me weird vibes and i donā€™t know if a nuclear nightkill is a coincidence or if thatā€™s exactly what the wolves want us to think

Luxy and Marshall are scumteam I know cuz im third member

a nuclear nightkill could also be used to frame tan for TMI

but what do i know im prob getting lynched today anyway

Iā€™m not going to comment yet. wanna go places.

Yā€™all will get it later

IMO we need to heavily reevaluate the PoE

iā€™m pretty sure we have at least 1 deepwolf

maybe even 2


Well we know the wagons are TvT which is big because we know that the kai wagon wasnā€™t a counterwagon which warps PoE

Iā€™m actually heavily considering one thing but am waiting for stuff to happeb

i think it was still a counterwagon because it existing caused another ML

In fact the best way for me to find scum is to leave for a little IMO.

So goodbye

i need someone to tell me why im lockscum so i can leave too

and then come back with actually good reads

Except I was the biggest pusher on ā€œjake counterwagonā€ and Iā€™m not w.