[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

im ready for the cat pictures

So are you wanting Hippo lynched before Mist, or does their order not matter to you since you seem to regard them both as lockscum?

I donā€™t regard both as ā€œlockscumā€ but i do sorta want a hippo lynch today because I think that a scumflip clears gey-luxy and iā€™d honestly like that to happen(even if it does make me look like the scum out of the ā€œthunderdomeā€)

Im okay as long the lynch is not Italy

the cat pictures are too big

/vote Hippo
Splitting votes here doesnā€™t do much for town, plus Hippoā€™s the one pushing the Marshal/Luxy thunderdome idea, so seeing their flip sheds light on that.

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make them smaller

how do you do that

smallify it

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Mist1422 Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary 3/6
Luxy Mist1422, Hippolytus 2/6
Hippolytus Marshal, Tangeld 2/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez 4

i canā€™t compress them

compress catto

When you include a picture in this thread, it gives you display size options before you post, below the picture itself. IIRC itā€™s 100%, 75% and 50%.

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/vote Hippolytus
Im okay with both.

i have put genuine effort into making cat images post-capable
why do i keep doing these things

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it literally doesnā€™t let me, the file is too big

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Mist1422 Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez 2/6
Luxy Mist1422, Hippolytus 2/6
Hippolytus Marshal, Tangeld, Priestess and Mercenary 3/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez 4

hippo youā€™re at lylo defend yourself


Big mega fucking wall of Hippo thoughts incoming just on D1. Imma be writing as I read to make up for not commenting all game. Iā€™ll do one on D2 later or tomoz morning or something.

Hippo's D1 Journal

I cba to directly quote shit cuz it takes ages but obvs i am telling the truth when i put stuff in quotes and when i summarize shit. if im lying about any thing i summarise or psuedo quote hang me

Marshallā€™s beginning test is dumb.
He also guesses scumteam is kai/hippo/mist in like his third post. Weird that me and mist are now actually apparently what he thinks the scumteam is for real and Kai is mislynched I think.

Geyde points out Marshallā€™s thing was dumb. Marshall says is fun D1 content. Is true is fun and is D1. Previous comment on Marshallā€™s question being dumb redacted.

Priestess has a townie opening imo. She names every single person in the game in a memepost which scum are often scared to do off the bat for association reasons. I stand by me thinking Priestess was town at first.

Geyde gets annoyed at Priestessā€™ meme. Geyde is boomer.

Marshall says Priestessā€™ opening being townie but gives no reason despite him saying it is ā€˜such a wolfypostā€™. I strongly disagree with Marshallā€™s reasoning here and would be interested to see why he says this.

When Priestess asks Marshall to explain he sends emojis. I respect trolling Priestess questions so Marshall gets brownie points but no townie points.

Having Isaac and Jeremy here makes me wanna die.

Italy seems town to me when they complain about being ignored, I doubt scum would do that.

I originally vote Geyde after he says to Marshall ā€˜I wonā€™t tunnel the shit out of youā€™ to Marshall if he isnā€™t on ketamine in post #149. Geyde is clearly trying to look like he is town - I AM LOOKING FOR MAFIA, I WILL TUNNEL YOU IF YOU ARE PLAYING SERIOSULY, CUZ I AM SCUMHUNTING, GET IT. I also scumread people who talk about themselves when making reads - this a p big scumtell of Iciā€™s for example.

I dislike Priestessā€™ post in #170 about mechanically sorting how many days till lylo. Itā€™s a classic ā€˜let me look like im helping without putting myself out thereā€™ thing to do.

I voted Luxy for saying ā€˜What is this thread?ā€™ just cuz itā€™s such a non-statement and seemed kinda forced. Idk. Tonal. #169

Marshallā€™s post in #175 makes me realize Geyde and Luxy are same person, thus the only 2 people who Iā€™ve voted are actually the same slot and I decide unless Iā€™m an idiot and my gut is stupid chances are that slot is scum. This is the main reason Iā€™ve kept voting them without paying much attention to thread tbh, seemed like too coincidental.

Jakeā€™s entrance is awful.

#179 Isaac briefly leaves his memephase and asks Jake ā€˜what the point of this isā€™ in post #188. Outside of Jeremy and laughing with Chloe this is Isaacā€™s first real attempt to do something helpful (im p sure Jake was lynched yesterday but i canā€™t actually remember, im trying to do this as raw as possible). Havenā€™t seen anything from Isaac to suggest he is town.

The fact that Arete has a post about asking mechanical questions in a MOUNTAINOUS game makes me wanna die.

Not sure why I accepted Priestess into town core in post #217. Half jokingly - obviously cuz isaac and jeremy were both in it and the group is called ā€˜locktown prosā€™ but half seriously but I canā€™t actually remember the serious part. At this point Priestess shld be null tbh.

Mist has a bad entrance in #220
Follows up with another bad post in #231

I do a hilarious mountainous drinking game post which only got 4 likes. Despicable.

I forgot Marshall was acting dumb on purpose which he explains in #242. His read on Jeremy is very good and I think jeremy is likely town. His read on priestess and Geyde are way weaker and pretty assumptive that they ā€˜should never be touchedā€™. All 4 of these people are alive.

Mercenary has a meh entrance but then makes an assumptive read on Marshall which I dislike in #248 and assumes Marshall is a dumbass which he is not. Marshall points out he did the same thing in a scum game of his in #258 and that Mercā€™s reasons are bad which I agree with. I think Marshall is looking likely town so far but donā€™t like his reads on Geyde and Priestess.

Mercenary comments that Marshallā€™s read on Geyde is bad too. His thoughts are exactly what I said higher up. Interesting. Merc is likely town cuz I donā€™t think heā€™s good enough to mindmeld with me if he was scum. Gj Merc.

Merc and Priestess are same person and I lean to town cuz of Merc not Priestess.

(imma skip some posts now and get to juicy lynch related posts)

Damn reading through half this thread is Luxy Priestess and Marshall. It baffles me that none of them have died if they are town and doing anything right. Seriously.

Jake seems seroiusly scummy around the #348 mark and I donā€™t blame him being lynched. Kai voting him makes a lotta sense.

(at this point of reading through I scroll to top of thread to see who was actually lynched as im confused and wanna check. Jake being lynched after Kai seems weird considering Kaiā€™s first vote is literally on Jake but maybe this is touched upon later. Idk. Kaiā€™s gonna have to be p scummy here to justify lynching him over jake or isaac so wanna see how this happens.)

Kaiā€™s entrance is good. No idea how everyone is townreading Chloe, at best she should be null.

Priestesses constant questions like in #378 come across as so scummy. ā€œLook at me I am helping thread progression by asking questions.ā€ But guess what, if you ask dumb questions with no follow up it doesnā€™t help thread progression. Unsure of this slot.

I hate katzeā€™s entrance in #393. Incredibly fencesitty and i also disagree that priestess defending Isaac is unnatural cuz altho Isaac has not been great, Luxyā€™s reasons for Isaac being scum, that he is pocketing Jeremy, is bad, cuz they are literally brothers.

Based on that 1 post I would be v happy hanging Katze today tbh.

Merc scumreads Luxy in #426 for v good reasons which I agree with 100%. Beginning to suspect this game is bastard and Merc is town and Priestess is scum somehow.

Alright Iā€™m at post #441 and the fact that neither Isaac or Luxy have been lynched or flipped is really annoying cuz at this point in the game I donā€™t see them on the same team. Whoever organised the Kai lynch D1 is a dumbass and imma hunt them down. Stay tuned. Tonally so far I do think Luxy is prolly scum still.

Mist hard defends Chloe in #468 out of nowhere at Kai. Kaiā€™s push on Chloe does seem v pure to me (I know itā€™s hard now I know he flips town) but reading through unless Kai fucks up mega Iā€™m assuming scum were involved in his death. I think Mist and Chloe are not unlikely team.

Chloe starts the motherfucking kai wagon in #494 literally admitting it is just OMGUS. How the fuck does Kai actually get lynched as a result of this. Iā€™m already angry wtf is this.

Jeremy says Isaac is town. Isaac asks Jeremy why he thinks heā€™s town. Jeremy gives good reason. Jeremy strongest town read by far so far. Isaac is null.

Luxyā€™s post in #574 is absolutely true on Mist and something I agree on. Would be happy lynching Mist today and if they flip scum like I say I reckon Chloe is a good push too.

Funny that Ici and Rehab both havenā€™t posted at #575 yet they were the 2 night kills. Decent chance wolves liked what was going on before they arrived.

Merc is town I think #579. His logic is kinda wrong here but it just seems so natural and townie. Gonna assume Priestess is just kinda annoying and town then. I gut townread both people at first, and theyā€™re in the same slot so i gotta put them as town tbh.

In post #613 Kai points out Chlose/Mist scumteam too. Exciting stuff (altho iā€™m sad im no longer an original special flower.) Once again how the fuck does Kai get lynched D1 this is a game of thrones like readthrough.

Katze has another anwful post in #633. 'Why is there 4 votes on Geyde/Luxy" - why tf shouldnā€™t there be? Havenā€™t liked any of their posts so far.

Mist shading Jake alot in the #640 region.

Ici comes in and votes Jake, once again master reader Ici strikes again. He also townreads Katze so by Ici logic Katze is prolly scum. Katze townreads Jake in #712. Interested to see if Katze defends Jake lynch later on.

KATZE is the first person to FoS Kai after Kai goes for Chloe in #752. A Katze/Chloe/Mist team is plausible but I still have no idea how Kai gets lynched today if Luxy and marshall and ici and nuclear are all town tbh. Seems p dumb.

Quoting this one cuz i thought it was relevant to me. dab

#661 Chloe votes Mist but gives no reason. Iā€™m not sure what to make of this. I didnā€™t notice this till Marshall posted about it.

I donā€™t know who Chem is. Someone tell me please.

#948 Mist townreads Ici for ā€˜solving Jakeā€™ but doesnā€™t comment on Jakeā€™s alignment. I think Mist may know Jake is town and therefore doesnā€™t comment. Katze does same thing #1011

Priestessā€™ interaction with me around the #971 mark ARE still scummy, they are so weirdly hedgey and shade throwey without ever saying anything properly untill I push them too.

Chloe has been p awful all game I mantain and I hopoe they are pressuted more than they have been up to post #1017.

Is Wazza in this game wtf? #1064

#1144 Katze canā€™t justify what slots Jakeā€™s flip sloves despite arguing for Jakeā€™s slot to be flipped in order to solve slots. 10/10 would fm again.

Jake vs Kai is dumb as fuck and I know iā€™m reading it in hindsight but it rlly is a tragedy lol.

#1170 Everyone is kinda ignoring Italy and so am I cuz they are just very inoffensive. What is everyoneā€™s thoughts on Italy right now?

Maybe Iā€™ve read too much and im tired but the Kai wagon is dumb. Second wagon is Luxyā€™s. I dislike Katze and Luxy on the Kai wagon considering.

#1285 Mist pops in to vote luxy cuz they ā€˜donā€™t want the kai wagon to go throughā€™ but donā€™t make any real reasons as to why kai is town. This seems like ā€œi donā€™t wanna be on scum wagonā€ kinda thing. I donā€™t think Luxy and mist is beyond possibility.

I am on board with a mist lynch at this point. Not a fan and they open a ton of options up, and tbh most scumteams i see include Mist.

Luxyā€™s tone like in #1318 is still realllly bad to me. Does anyone else not see this sort of thing as scummy?

#1328 looking at VC makes it seem like luxy is scum. Myself, Jeremy, and Merc are all voting luxy and are town. Whatā€™s confusing is that Mist is also on Luxy. If Mist is town I really think Luxy has gotta be yeeted.


#1383 Luxy trs Priestess and Srs Merc lol. Iā€™m the opposite.

I keep flipflopping on Marshall. Imma go with Marshall as town luxy still as decent scum.

Aight Iā€™m tired and done D1. Letā€™s look at VC. I think Jakeā€™s wagon is ALL town assuming my merc read is correct. What does this mean? Luxy is only 1 vote off being lynched/rando lynched and Iā€™d think at least 1 scum would jump on the Jake wagon to guarantee Luxyā€™s safety if they were town. Perhaps Luxy is actually town.

At the end of D1 this is what I have.

Mist is best lynch. I dislike Chloe, Katze, and Isaac too. I have Marshall and Luxy as null to light scum but I really just wanna see Mist flip scum before looking at Luxyā€™s slot again based on VC of D1. Priestenary and Jeremy are likely town.

This may change once I have read D2.

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anyone who ever asks me to do any work in an fm can go die in a hole that took like 2 hours