[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Thank you for the input Jake


What do you think of it

And React Tests are NAI for Marshallo

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Yeah but its what he achieves from it that helps us garner his alignment.

Everything he gained from it I agreed with to an extent from other methods so he’s more likely to be town

Do I need a bright neon sign guys? Is this read valid?

Use another Nobel gas as a sign.

Like Hydrogen.

Please only post in Spectator Chat if you are a spectator.


:hammer: Mods, get him!


begone from this realm dirty spec

mindmeld with the host

arete gotta gimme a peek on someone now

Luxy took that part literal.

here i do

To be clear this post is saying that spectators should post in spectator chat and not the game thread, not that spectators and not non-spectators can post in spectator chat

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whats im
im kai, im 17
and im too fucking high to do this shit


I waan’t invited to no Spectator chat!

@Ami game is over already.

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i can kinda relate.

everyone thought i was high for half of the game so far.

have a fun read